Sunday, June 8, 2014

Curling Hats Oft

The grit to Sand a Wrinkled brand the Iron of the Hot,
does the fact heed to strapped to the Keep of en-soiling?

Trait via the Frozed choke of Flume,
as the per of Cuts in brooms a Swept to Volcano's Boom!!

Prept the burke in Vastly Scone aptly Clept to Guarded lepts,
dimple Life in Vary brights to template What is known.

The Comb of Facets a brig to Shipped brings Self to Interest laired,
grandest Verse in Seen a burst the Castle to the brack of Bare,
a Nude Appeal as Statues Real the Carve of Note-able Treed.

Eaching very in simple tarried to Scope out the bone,
trued to Nill a traveler Frill per Stilling of the Brew!!

The Glacier Locks of Jems in Stocks due brakes of broader tucked,
walk the Mile to Kilometer styled the Measurement flees to puc,
across the Nature of just Plains stuck in abstinence of Youth.

Crop coulds Mow the Grape in Capes to Truth a Kicker Blue,
Colored-Up's credit Buck the Antlers of the shed,
each Spring evolved the Buds of talls to spread an Original bred!!

Christ the Louds of Variable Shrouds the Cottoned of the Spoof,
to echo tracks in farther knacked a Road to Prove obtused.

Cross the T ate X Y Z thru Counting down to Zeros bound,
a decibel Speaked in Acoustics Beep the Stereo in a Cosmic been,
the Noise of Ill-Repuits!!

Challenge Chess to Checkered Crest a doubled-stack is Kinged in Tact,
to jump right over the Single Clover the bored in bothered dueced.

Re-Skeet the Shoot to Rifled leuds a Feudal beacon to Light House Deacon,
the Hat of Black & White in Ties of Tales that Ware Canes.

A Dancing Square to build the Lair in Dungeons to brink Mastered spare,
the kibble of the bittered leaks brings Pandora to compare,
Medusa Snakes the Coiling Lakes as Civil takes the battered Bake,
the Ice of freezing Melts inflate an Ocean will not bloat.

The Swells will Seep an increased Sheep the Cow of Milking props,
to understand that Reason Bands with Titles that announce the Tide,
in Ordered Labels creating Tabled the Chart of why it's Live.

The Roleing Stones to each a Sloan bye frothy balanced Cry,
the battle Four to Credit Thor the Step is Man Kinds Why!!

To left a Trace in blacker Maze a quibbling Treaty sky in Spry,
the Clouds of Seen Our Movements Being the Capable in Scenery.

Pards to Snarks the bricker backed Tarts to Jelly in the Fishing Cart,
a bread and buttered Peanut Lover Shells the Pearls brill,
a Scour stretches in the Spruce to Birch I prey the Beads of Deeds,
a Grandfathers Production Say,
and Nana is a Carry Shay.

The Gates of Trend unspoken lends that Vacancy is Full to Dens,
the tendency of scaping doved destruction of the screaming shove,
is know more than the sit above to wing upon a breeze,
the Ticker of the Tape in Veal a Meet of Gentiled Creeds.

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