Sunday, June 15, 2014

Vocal Braids

As Rocks do Stand in Temples Land the Granites bones to Real,
now the breathe of a Staff that slams the gullets clear,
the throat of deepened in the Sage a Seer reads the Mere,
to chisel scene as Live is Means that begets a Spear!!

Pass to Ancient Taught for Chest the lid a Crown of Mind,
intellect will bride these lines to Wording Worth the Biers,
a grip in Vat the Vase of that It charged to Message Lents,
the Creature of the Flighting lier shant Land the brothing Pier!!

Shelve the Jet in exhaust of Sky the trails of the trade,
a Cloud may give the Clue to Bigs in banging silent lay,
the creed of doctrines in sew teach that death is tolls of geared,
showed the difference in Completes that Tongue will Languish deed!!

Usage Watts to Ac/Dc eclectics travel kept yes trued a fact,
Mapping lest the sparks of Thunder gallant to the Theirs,
in said Might a gravel shites tisk disciplined Inn each a Tight,
verse the Sentence as the Penitence competing equals nears!!

Kitchen blocks to sharper Knots that how the Cuts laid Kiers,
dye the gross as ready Roast the Prime Rib sprouts cast rear,
a Pool of Known to Buffalo bean Roam the Past Hands a Sake,
the destined sip of glassed in held yips Cross with Whips not Fear!!

Nail aspect to expectations that nothing begets the streaker Cave,
rolls in rounds of piles in louds the wooden crate of digs that Cake,
the Hot in Air at Places stare Ware Lair kept Scrolls in Dryer Times,
Ages Central brings All a Heave that Scribs did Learning pree!!

Sat to Tablets the Awl did Swen that hammers prod to Ink the Play,
role the foundling get the groove desire Cots as Bedding Mats,
the shift of shadow too Echo racked the pine could show the bamboo Lot,
belt the Said to Canter ran a gallop trends to an escape so Old that Man has Plan!!

Curve flown Grade at Degreed a Graduate in Archaic cools,
the brig a ship for fullest longs in length of Wings in Crops,
the mulled in Parts to Joint at Sea an Ocean of the driest Keep!!

Luke chilling fire to flaming Cryers the Wedge of Wine to Tale Times,
Set to Gear of Zero Den the Dungeon Peaks the Climb to Leap,
in playing games with Verse and Reins the slow treats at X,
globe the Race in All Ways to Beak the Armor is a Veer!!

Straight those Narrows to clever Sparrow the Warbler whistles Sing,
gage the lettered to notes that talk from long past in a Tone,
forward Present as Now is fluke to treat the Futured leading be,
the Mostly free ticks to Ski as Sphere does mention of the Feat!!

Ink Tatoo the Facial Proves crowd Sphinx que Mount of Prims,
the drink of Life gowd fountain Dow evolutions spokes to Creations dear,
handle bit to cheek of Strap the Fee increased the Bee sting meet,
group have Men while stairs do bends the Bannister in galactical Beers!!

Poured to smooth or shake the Head the stride will froth or just fall bled,
a tap to Knead that Look in Binds for boating through a oop's,
built by Design sent by Blind the Hide is Elemental,
Crew the bound bile the barks as groats and not the Band!!


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