Thursday, July 31, 2014

City Wide Lamp Lights 'Our' Lava Rite

To Ancient back Signature in track the writings on the Wall,
before the discovery had been Buried for recovery a sense to Riddle stalled,
the Owl that sounds to Chisel bounds replaced with Ages scene to Place,
the digs provide a simple Case that breathes the Lung of Safe.

Provisions sent long in Rent gifts that came in history flame the Production of in Like,
shields Armed with current Yarn is best of Show in dancing row a ribbed,
the Apple in a garden plight did know the seed in grown,
a barnacle on a Pier in bay is construction of the Say!!

Creative design brought with Kind develops love of Line,
a Poet in the Rank of Cast may search to prove the Pine,
swaying while the song is Spring does not discount the Winter Theme.

Wonderland in The City park a Concert from the Steady,
stage the decade true to page a Mirror affection stays in laid,
reflecting said ask Arch of lane a Boulevard to the equal sprain,
catch the Victor bright displayed the Mark of date per day in skate.

The Theater often Crows a lone wolf Range that Trail of Came,
long before the Traveler lored the path was walked by whom was bore,
birthed in the 60's a Native treat the bred and butter A San Francisco beat!!

Shipping Lanes like Train Rails the ride a One Way seat,
the Style of sense would Look to See that Clearings oil grease,
a wheel to steam the Engine of Means has evolved with Iron penned,
the Road in a Modern Day Zone enter Innocence 'cause it's A Stream of Consciousness Gaining!!

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