Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Basic Dappers Dodder

In sake of compilation the bite of My Sites,
I speak with a confirm to broth,
a skull with the maker in creations design,
evolution brings the Laddering Kinds,
tune the Trouble witness I as Rumbles!!

A low noise as the Hand Print of wrinkle lines,
the evidence of forced isolation constance harass,
brought forward a Relief of a Twin Flame,
James Blunt a Captain of Poetry,
singer of His Rite to Tanks Front War!!

Certain beer froth to the Drafts,
a Mug shot in the Write,
a pen in and upon a life,
craft to the never known friend,
arch the ability to just a Creek Swim.


Rolled my bankers lot to Zero dot,
wealth in aspect is proof of catch,
as Rye may Wheat so shall the Corn Patty,
blanket 'Morrow as Sheets to a Storkings,
no father in my life puts Clapper dyed bites.

I do not feed the improper for lickered,
that is a contrite bitter worm splint duckering,
quits are kickers riders of rogue horses for ticker talking,
a thumbs up approach to the negative of Societies lousing.

By luck my Mother Melba Mauda Meakin married her Lover,
credit goes to the Hand Holds of awkward but never denied,
for MY mother had had difficult Crops applied by a World in lies,
navigating the beatings I watched from her former were sample pied.

Her hair ripped from her scalp as she was drug up the stairs,
separating from her skull hair follicles in a 2 inch spackling,
all while phones replaced hard wire with coin digging days,
laughter too mockery gathered more than I will spit at the Worlds roup today.

Que the Thought of Cake while the Batter is an Egg,
add a bit of Milk and Butter is on it's Way,
spreading Toast to Marmalade is like a darling Duke,
from the Address I play I'd say that Meakin gave Prince to Lored,
by simply keeping MY mother safe from more than I could ever have stopped on ANY GIVEN Bay!!

As the Roller coasts deeply to the Loaner,
I bust at the Britches for every has a Stoner,
origin in a lame flipped the dapple or the Gray,
a mere to exportation's been,
the Portals of the Larry Denned.  

Good Air to the Earth in what Ever lasting Carts,
fruits too Vegetables I like Beef a la Guard,
it places at a Setting Table the Plates of Proper Cored,
not discounting the Candelabras for Bill's Place I adored,
born and bred in the City of San Francisco a Rainbows Treat to Be.  

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