Saturday, August 30, 2014

Acceptation Excuse The Birth Of the Phew

The Reed of the Marsh in the Test of a Time is not in the text rather on the bogs line,
in character the driven will submerge in the spill like oil is Nature on dinosaur Hill,
the Pits of the Tar that are bubbles with glug the sound of the Crude can be a big Clue,
should Ear of the Corn be a Textile too that Rows of the growth will grow Taller than you,
measure the Water for that Canals bank`d on the Porch of The Nile it came with a Lane,
in portions of Oats or canister grain the Watch for the Moth is in hulls of the Been,
cupboard the Meal than close it all in the stated will bug within the same Tin.

Strangely the Wild of naturally kept can show in the Taste that is sew is fed,
from stirs on the Plains to the swept of the way stand to the driven a Tractor can say,
growth for the Weather seed in the clay oh wait for the Dirt is the filtered in stay,
fertilize Crop with a Pick of the Came however Manure must Cure in the cave,
for piled on fresh the acid display will wipe-out the Field for it is to strong,
take years to the Months that add a shed long a bit of sunshine a Tarp and than song,
it really is done with the same kind of throng as farms that are growing the Fruit in land.

Harvest the Vegetable or beef up the Cow in Steers it's essential to Know the Bull stout,
as bulls in the place that Stock for the shroud getting along is just fine 'til the pow,
even at that rate the spread is in chow One per the Herd makes oddly a turn,
move all to gather the concentrate Vow worries of Slaughter brake energy bow,
the consider for Animals stocks that just Moo relates to their friends like Sheep in the Ewe,
horses or Tigers pride lions in loud put in the power of gun rifle`d Pow.

Again to the distraction from even to point the eyes on the step makes Stares in the joint,
an elbow of Book to the booth in my Know the difference exact in the Same I can toy,
flip in the Master replace with know how buckle me Collar & leash me to Tau,
I search as I'm running in loose of the Self held to the Mortal I still have a Vein,
whip me with Nine Tales in course of the Sound I'll ask of the Problem & laugh at the Shroud,
in games of the Mindful the scene is an Art either in different it does Stop at Cow,
the bar to the Restaurant Bannister Taste in the Cup of the mug I'd have to i.d.

B.D.S.M. grown little to now the Shades of the character is born in us too,
the smell of the leather the Mind in a keen lulling the Interest is booming while Key,
cart be for Horse harness a King bridle the Bit a tongue may be string,
wired with Barb the Cowboy will say that Fencing for Cattle is stretched at the Tee,
pound in the Post with a Cannon of host clip off the pull and the Wall is a choice`d,
operations that great giant hunk meat must also go Butcher to cut up the Keep,
in House of the doing the Movies are See to believe in the Process you must tenderize Meet. 

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