Monday, August 4, 2014

Dim Switched

The Live touch of truth is the release of a Handle,
upon the times of Age Changes.

In vinyl Records the spin in Reverse often spoke,
  strange Odds.

From addressed to repeat the circle of a Start the needle of the Players Hand,
traits to the plates of Shade,
 the Counts Volley Tennis.

Sike the groove,
 the learn teaching.

Stand in Life the feet walk the Storm stride,
in debt Karma is a stage reveal,
Venue to a write inking the Tattoo,
an Island Plane!!

Search the Mechanics of an Engine A Feather is a Fire,
paint a Horse to trade the bong teak is a grove,
speak a Language archaic the Text lots a Post,
breathe the Air a trees outage in done.

Vase the drawing with a mud lanes Wheel,
brush the Design to the Ancient Time,
picture a Cell ask the Shed,
rye the Catcher to the pitch streaks of Tar pits.

Joint at the entry a passion in the love tack,
saddle the Girth by ways of jeans the shirt traced,
photograph a Canon in the Bird,
wings Attach!!

Journey at the shine of the sight Two sharp,
break in the level of a Scream an Eagle Crows,
talents that take the Measure,
sync in the Volumes of the Atllas!!

Route a Train by the Tale springs,
never a shave in the Razors edge,
perform with Naming the perfume,
the Cast creations Evolution straights!!

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