Monday, August 25, 2014

Google Glass

Professors of past that have stated in fact that I mentor the life that express to a Site,
in the loud of the sentence a Stanza to march in with a Sonnet a minuet to tusk date,
as Elephants are often in the drawing of Room so too are the tables that coffee is tune,
play a conversation oh wait it's hesitate from the Home that I love to the place I can't shrug,
in both of these venues the living to lane is a copper in wire or penny to fame,
basic a put to the Seat of a frame the boarders have Presence that explain in each pay.

Remove the obligation replace with the game send it to Central for I have a brain,
tunnel the road as highway a be have any of you seen the Rainbow in Creed?,
yes spoke the file answer purse paid the writings have beakon`d condition of saved,
for in the burns of this life has all purpose in tight the Coach of a background said good you're alright,
the Journal that speaks for depth to the Feat provisions that road or grocer today,
register this price with a gift in the bite I do not trap to watch others as Snap.

I more come from a Mind consider in different the part is proving the dipper,
astrological feet that once I did meet spectacular rip-off stole more than a cheat,
on push swipe the letter a walk with the tether the ball of the Pen not the chink of cuffed link,
charge these learns to a basement of turns than I would be cable the television is turn,
a dish on the echo bounces the channel but if the stream is the bay it's a personal dirt clay,
mold the cookie for baking is tray cook the Roast the drippings are say in the flavor of core 'The Display'

So fast Society throws done to the thrush bummer that liquid is green in the brush,
like horses with same in Kopertox fame the cure is the footing that picks out the claim,
tack shops like blogs surface like cogs much to the Spur it's the Black Boots that do hog,
that motor or cycle or fire in flame looks that do place the saddle bags lane,
gears that won't shift are sits in the bricked but I believe that Innocence does fit & not on a fence,
that's what Gates are for as the Representation is the presently bore in aye I have Floor.

Life and Muscle