Sunday, August 31, 2014

Is It Languish

To sport an Acknowledge is in the Mint of exchange,
the basis Change true to the Decide,
in broad Spectrum the colors of Decisions are represented to the Rainbow Affect,
with the concordance bring Wisdom ask the script of the worth for the Index`d belief.

Repeat`d processions to 'The Altar' with Food & Drink what than is the Squatter,
the pier Nature of this existence to bore Scope thy countenance must stress reasonable text,
the growth of Understanding presented in left, right, forward, reverse is thereby a gear,
in the shift of Mechanics guard thought behaves in Theory of the Same in Extractions.

Future, Past, Present, Now in the Order of the numbering of Word language`d to sentence,
comma Paragraph too Verse chapter the book of card to a deck that brings the lift of Well,
in the cross hares of venture shake a Shadow to the tree creates a Shade with a fare,
for the seed of the girt has planted the growth of the work.

The cut of the Bough in the trim of the climb is still of the Trunk,
in the burl of Thick the rings clock Time in the line of Character a birth to information,
while Redwoods tower to the Stand of their wealth a story is in Tell,
sprouting fire burnt the Original bank will shoot out to Continue life.

In bark the covering of the fine grain the protection of the tender skin is notice`d upon removal,
as the scar will provision healing threw Fire that same branch will fail from rot if a contagion is loosed,
in the spark a bug will find leave should the wet be diapered in soak the bug will provoke live,
the counter of the Mind in the sauce of lesion must be provided Air/Oxygen to invest Real.

The constant of the Hand to the apple freight while desire is Scene must then Produce event in core,
for the weight to the born shoulder requires the eventual attendance to prosper with speech,
lead by example to crawl the start is the ability of the thinking that Movement is indeed talkable,
these bales of completion as chalked to probabilities equations equals the Actual in adherence.

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