Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's All Whet

Shed the words spoken speech in walking up on top of dirt,
the fluff of turf to inch the heard in placed a measure of standing Earth.

The left of rite in up the sight of as the shirt did Iron pleat in jeans,
of sweat to brow of think a thought to each a route!!

Mappings guide the lull of now as the awl in granites tau too,
put the chisel in the shall of prose a pencil fine it with a sound.

Mile of set date is breadth in all the spout so mouths a stet,
the thought of line Inks out that Blind to permanence land crew.

Jobs to feet a running leak the plum of life in cast of sprites,
a bubble springs to each a bring it's called a bell of mind by sign.

Rigor beat on knoll in speak a complete in rolling ruff,
the Circuits Electric doved the energy does seek the search of rock.

Wheat carved rye mahogany cried the anchors with the hasped,
design in the credit fold a birth the found at last!!

Decision brand decide of ride the Apple or a nut in ply,
the even of too odds it's Flout ask whistle Pan mid-trouble ham.

Green the mold to purple played are any did the shades parade,
a blink of lid to clover crib the hards oft to the lockings.

Crimson red a signal Sun the blooms do provide a Fire~fly,
the spark ignites an in the night beauty shaped a beauty tights.

Whispering spline of tapping chills,
the gander is the stage Came life.

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