Sunday, August 3, 2014

Strip Tease

Storm the Vain it turns the Top to aim the direction of the point in stressed,
the value to the temperature a barometer check the low side of a door spray,
style the purr of a warm-up in the latter of the trough,
ice has melts that roar to floor the ocean of the after Moore.

Brash the rake to dirt the screen forks leave the trail leaned,
stray to sawdust on the aisle of the breeze will be a file,
record the walk to be the stock a Gelding in the stations slot,
ride the ball with heels down a better Seat to tank the found.

Borrow wheel in strolling feel,
the eyes that are never hear,
trots to flop the hind change,
jumps the fence in a framed.

Ownership of bitten hand looks to know the speed of take,
so spoken with a whisker Scene the grown will short the throw,
a stand in Win is same in trend of themes that bring to luck,
gamble on the hi of been the dice are in deuce to chuck.

Cards that show the state of break the Wise look in the Atlas,
maps that guide no human night will brig the pen to Sprite.

As soda is the fountain drinked a pump to bridge the Tap,
hoses fill the throttle lapped and Prose does riddle knacks.

Find the Answer X Y Z a Scrabbled Board Monopoly,
Clue to Chutes & Ladders read,
the pick is in the perfect seat. 

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