Monday, August 11, 2014

Trace Masters

The View of the Coast on a bustling lark,
writes of the register in the charge of a star,
streaking the comet on the Meteor of lead,
a broth inked Tattoo forms the shades of the broom,
sweeping the Vast Orion clips belt far in the Honda zenith is still.

The Vowel in the Noise address Outer wreath,
winding a birth ask the Cloud gave,
smoke upper air in the Scene answer Sky,
do not assume shoring Asses ache stew,
arms to a rose in the Thorns that won't save,
creak go the bones joint in label a soak.

Plural should bench smart intel in ray shin,
of the kick braking a rib,
tendon a bow the Race is a vote,
chalky white paint reads a Hand print to Shake!!

Head Set a Theme ring liberty Score Creed,
packing shed pieces to Spring in the Hay,
bed knobs to broom sticks the lines are so sleeved,
divide in a multiple it Adds to pervade!!

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