Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cotton Candy A Nickels' Plated Team


The stream of the grocer in the Solar of the Cosmos on the register in the Avenue life,
a flea hop to the barton on these grass Mows to a Seed in the field of the flown lean,
to crust as the birth aspect on the Curl a Sphere to the grasp in the dimension of phone,
a Cell to the dial on the green of the Mark ask the sleeve of the link to cough a blink,
hour to the Steady as the global on thee ready cannot theme to Imagine this absolution.

Wash to the listing on the Stars of the Cream the milk of Wave in clamber to Oyster on the lamb,
a leg in think of grown-In to the Tusk of the lay as the foot of a creed to the sample on the low,
track in the feat a letter to the teach in learning of the last in the Sun of Ore in Class,
a clap to the Fee in this after on before course of the simple to the door ink grounds a floor,
volcanic is the Shank as a chain in lip of tng. Bark is the shield a Lake with A Know!!

Slough of the swim as the fluid of a beast in the shoulder of the lights show to spear throw,
a bearer on the leaves An aspen talk the grip ink the group of knowledge the Counter Crop,
a Mapping in the Corn of rows atop a Spring the bubble of the plaster in the Wall heard sing,
a trust that grove broken a Cut Orion clean down in the caspar on the gown of seam,
a  Stitch too the longer a thread in the pleat tooth needle on the trunk in the Spinal being.

A Cast Tore

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