Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fort Short Timers

The Darcy term of terra Firm in the future of the last in the Ancient of a Pass,
the albeit tooth the If ore are the broth of the Sync to discovery Hood,
a roust in the End of the begin on Continue is knots in the Looper on Time snot.

Blow You hour in the Hands of lyre to know the Finders are the keep in plyer,
a bench Marker to the Tusk line as the crow too the Magpie in the shall raven,
over the Boards to the Take a bone in the Castle of the comb at Mention stone.

Charge on the Mind a thought dusk ink Think park least to the Probable keel sake,
in the steer Wheel of life a Millionth burn in a Bubble like the Sat @ dot Commoners,
the place to the Live in an On talk deed Feed ask the Planked ship of pirates Coin`d.

Flip a bitter to the Sweetest of list on 'A' History of block chalk Flour in the dustings,
much to the fragment in the Choice Meets of Ink brush Can in the stick a Lamb,
surely a burrow to a broth making Suite in a tie for the Future of yesterdays loop.

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