Thursday, September 18, 2014


Dolly craw the quip context a brith to circumspectial wit in a part designation of Prolate,
too the negate of on a Treas in the Cake,
the layer orn to Hydro Form of the Pan to whistle a hum titch Oracle (Too) two bough Nee,
the click of Cockney by accident Sheol Mach grees.

A screw-Nail in the bolt mores of Chough Ka, 
the shiny on define to a portest on coinage to date,
the ball bounce on the Net,
a silver with alloy plate in Anchor define as Ancient line Adagial,
the Chork made rubber for band torsion in the inevitable gum Breela Serenity real Case.

AKA went Vie sling artim the dart Arm crayon artis,
a color the aye-on in-Sake;
Tron to Mo*base* a Starch carry (Carn) parsed in Muffle,
the Exhaust to the Mohur adjunct in ker pumpkin,
a percolator in Filter,
now REA Moved.


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