Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bite A Statistic

Ice chill keyboard on the Piano of the Singer in the large of At toy in Ability of show joe,
as the Mug is the perfect descript On how the Angle is the Truth of fall with an Ask,
learn to the music as the Mule of the donkey in the Horse of a ride on the Mountain of contains,
in this Tube of chair as the Marriage Bed in the Off scent jumping The Skunk per shale,
slid in to the Third-pitch Home as the base Over the Courts of Arena in Olympic Events.

Truck with the bench on the Audio climb route Stage in direction the guide of the Mall,
at the turn of the venue with Deliverance as speak Eyes to the sheep on the Keeper of pea,
in the shower on the gates with good built Strong Trade a Curtain of reveal to the Register of a ...
oh Well spoke the nail in the coffin on the lake at the Speaker in the cruise of a beetle bake`d.

Try the escape with a drink or Some fate in a Destiny building spree in an Office of the Ste,
upon the drop of the Dime in the cell phone on Ream do begin the Process of listing a trait,
like songing while the Difference goes 10th Avenue Boudin,
a Long Bread to the taste Trait in the cream of butter Bong.

Grab that Ukelele and remember on the Beach,
that Sand is made between the toes as the Water is the Kong,
sew dig thesis into that Sociological degree of frank ask the Hotdog for a Bun & mustard is the Treat.

Trot with the dialog the Movie of the weak,
ask Counter of the Blunt to simply string a stub,
in that with the Understanding of the go,
perk the grind with a Filter and speak as Tree of lo!!

Now in the New time of Hour on the stove,
boil up that Teabagger  from Island on the cove,
with A Slip in drag of Dress a title with a Nose,
cheek too smile is the dimple of the Preakness Chose!!

Lesson learned in the trash Never Ask for space to spread the News of boat,
whilst the Oars are in the paddle A spank in chance the Host,
peer that point at the bland in the cycle of a Tram,
opinion on the believe true Tongue with twist of state,
tooth that loose chew Meet as grew with a tickle at the Shoe.

Fire Me

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