Sunday, October 5, 2014


In said as it is simple to not tree from complex a Dish for the Master in the eye of the storm,
as the gut spoke of twist in the answer to food a clock what the stopwatch as seconds sound look,
in the forum of Science excel to the type writer tell a clique to the portion of after in bell,
entry the Web of absolute in the turn shoring the basis of speaking thee lane,
read a bit of string to the next Click hit on the tags that now Kindle with cellular theme.

With thought in thatch the round of a sent to the spice on direction in the finger rent hinge,
open the attachment like dictionary Whence or is it the gone to the reseed of a bead,
in wench the tabulation to further the crawl with gossip and tangle the negative of creed,
as lives are now Angles of minute-Time clocks inch the hours with Whom is hoot Talks,
as the liver of furnace treats to the shed strong are the Winds in the notes are the tray Service.

Quick too the run in the phone of the Palm touching the basic of human Nature the brain,
in fires that spark the synapse to Means stems are in addition drag Anchors that cream,
posting the ground as the Course of the bring a sweat in the lather or rip-off to shot,
to table of learn is the encyclopedia Scot at the temple of Mind or the taste of the lot,
flush with a Handle the machine is a wash inking one for the further & won instant Crop.

Trusting the Cycle of How these are what in the Y of the Why it is crowded till Not,
stringing the burden to a few on the pot removing the drains dry Plugging the crane,
flight on the spacial recognition of Crave those with the seek too find in that skate,
trip on a Quest for the journey is Haste done are the counts Each day of this pace,
strides on the horse for the breast in the Plate all of the sheep line into that Raid.

Tubular vile with a freezer Kiln lace triumph are rooms that hide in these daze,
an Umbrella for cane in the beets Sugar glazed plot of a Cherry on the Milkshake of Kay,
shook out of tea spent with a bucket corn stay no longer needed are the plowers of scorn,
growing with template to disc. in the base A school of the Say to the shades in on bay,
marbles for dice Races choice price gamble no-longer it's the Three-beat done Twice.

Comments commercial to Facebook profiling a noise,
with a counter to deliver the persons of know offer filling in blanks,
cues to the fed have producted at chaise on lounge for the ribbon on Cage while evade,
in News to the venture no People stop shop their just giving Records that the plants are a loft,
in purpose to Powder a growth in the fought,
Asking a sitter to Hold all the Chop.

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