Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Head Scratchers

Taste discord in the verse Mouth of firm Read as the bisque of the skull Route,
in the map of by design a Nat in the bug of soup is meat Raw alive in swim lest,
rise in the flavor of acid strain on the Thought of wriggle or flop lands a soon,
cave plains with addition in freeze Framers on the cold Shoulders the Tense,
as moving sleeve curtails the speed to greater in the mince waste Salts!!

Sprawl said questions not the dunk of friend-n-pea rather the digestion of squid,
platter Place Meant tablet Trimming the belly Mind character in plus-leaves shake,
did the apple cork the Basket or the orange crate the Color,
in Task sprain Text the spring of Wheel in And of the branch of condemnation,
both Either ort pleasure the senses to reactive Material in lean.

Crutch these Means as chill Fires in stick at Shoulder Box crane,
a disc for the Spin a record for the Label a vinyl for the Needle,
round Table lappings tickling the Sing-a-Soar is Fly bound,
pull the wings down to landing gear on the Tar Mack concretes Found,
add liberal with a Tab tick Clock on the switch to believe in lessor of the Seed.

Plow a mountain form a Valley to the digs that Flats have desert Palms,
in Cacti the prick is undeniably annoying to not even justify the stuck,
festering while trading station to the possibility of the Miss in locale perched Wrong,
set on the Venture in the stock of song a birth for the Instant & know skirt as the Tong.

Salad in the greens of Soy on lent is in of At Self treating the start gone bong,
bing goes the Click on the arm trapping Throng halts burning rubber-Bands as it's gone,
slinking by Alley whilst the Bricklayer knew That mortar on the spill was a bubbling sloop,
give it Time in the Wall regard trait to the Style check-In a Value breaking on the File,
rust with Nails in the tubing of Prescribed is as Easy to gather the Iron on the Side.

Choke treats a Tractor to the filtering of Flood,
gas in the Engine is talends of the Crow,
brakes to the Wheel touch Human Life root Ki,
ba Hoot to the owl as the Coyote is a streaming!!

On The Wind That Is........breezing!!

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