Saturday, October 18, 2014

Population Gaps

A Funny feeling in the Forum of the least to Mention task on the brow of stipulation loud,
as membership does ankle Members with the writes on the test of get to The Show,
a Tweet or second on the sow has brought the piggies with a wiggle,
first will be the simple Key of Zero has the Read,
second would be the batter plight as expenses seam to flight,
third can't be the lease of rent to the Money in a spent,
oh bother the creak of bent from the check to off a sent,
so quick to informal of the double Tongue in ledge of play,
wagging dog of say to skate skirts the curb to cream a spake,
the Swan Ballet to goose of Duck is the eagle on the Ruff,
soaring creature to the seep that the Media is on touch Feed,
grand Piano low Note of pre the spool of Yawn is yarn to Flea,
top of Table set the Ice in the Tray the service Lay,
duvet tremble ah the Sing in the guilt November ring,
golden Band in plateau Came gone are the diamonds of the sheen.

Sparkling clever Hinge to door is the Back a baggers Thor,
question For the most Implore`d not the Scabs at batch of store,
scurry Flurry would include not 'just' a mention Comment score,
as the crowd is number dumb at the palace I see spun.

Initial initial cork a Friend in the tamper it Said been,
do you have the shine to Kick foreground on the Buster luck,
condor Corner had a stuck on the forward Troop tread butt,
in the crease of Storms on sleigh answer speech in get a Shade,
umbrella Staff rode the clay ancon Forest in the bane,
dessert did sheep the Sheers to skate,
taste Delight while Movie Brights!!


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