Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Speak Into The Microphone Please

To odd the read from dates on Posts that said release was Breathe,
in month of April on the give to way the back of want a give,
on the strange in write the vulture of the road in flight,
to have the add-on from the exact in written along the example.

Often with these verse in hold the Tale of the weird in told,
the gentle Wind with a storm twisting gut the preview show,
on the basis of the School wonderment is the tool,
with a bit of Make on take the sat of Wares in shank of bank.

On the tender of the sea the Bay of natural speaks a read,
in that read of Shed on blog a bite to enter on the Fog,
sweatshirts that do pullover strong on the shoulders to waist in thought,
wrap the empty arms that held once upon a story 'till.

In the cool of bones with lake on the Pond of boat a sake,
chilly are the Tidal Waves over bridge with jet in brake,
for the Ships that wheel Tug no reality took best in fate,
the title with a shake in Milk in the crisp it's Apple baked.

Cruise the track go take a Bath on the suds soap the bug,
for the Banana at the peel is a Slug on limy trail,
in that berry for the top is the think a Sync a lot.

No word could bell to Horns of Blow for the Flute is Clarinets thrill,
the bass Guitar to string the bar in the Note of great in far,
text the fold of Folgers Cream as the sugar speaks like sting,
pitcher with the Vodka sing do you trait the tag a Long.

Just for measure just for cup in the bag of watch a stuck,
does this happen to Coincidence on the matrix of the rinse,
for the Washer dried for Chord as the throttle is a core,
deed of hard to heavy shore Sands that Hour the Minute floor.

Drink Mi glass on Alice fast band the cover to a had,
in the Had of Hard in scene the Brigade is ring the Team,
with the Band of brothers learn does the Circle sign the turn,
trouble with the Match up Match once it Happened than it Touched.

Just 'Cause


The story told is simply rolled,
to scribe for future past.

To believe in what is deed,
the release brought only breathe.

The latter of the after,
the facts have caused a stature,
to stand on bended plea,
to ask and not to answer.

Corrupted lives don't realize,
the watch begets the view,
the more of less in aspect,
developed to out the truth.

Click to each of every set,
the post that is a favorite best,
identifies the sides of whom,
would like the wish for dreams to boom.

Discount the hand that rights to shake,
the contact that we all must make,
politely done with pen as gun,
verifies that lives were spun.

The sting of any worthy cost,
is the patience to discover loss,
upon such anxious question asked,
the value turned to Shows and Stats.

Of course the plight of all in might,
is surprising upon invite,
the best of worst would be to see,
that acceptance is a read.

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