Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Balance Beam

Projectors Film the daily log in a casting of the shin to well Up on the hinge,
read before the print goes publish in the poster of Bulletin on send,
words so hidden in translucent the discovery is not remain for the do is on the pane,
with exact to Caboose in the train of Preparation as the score inks the lane.

Verse to know is that notes are Cold for chilly are the brae in Ass of donkey,
a Heehaw to the Neigh on the Booking served so quick its Up before the store,
link that to reading sight as the work is in Mid Flight,
soaring hit in Central tipped ask the calendar is it Whip!!

In Sure`ants the burst of jerk as the Sentence is berserk,
no private line could Conduct to the Tempo of the Truck,
hitch to span of just the Luck on the goose in brown of Swan,
a massive ballet on boards to Stage run the cookie the Crumbs got down.

Change creeks in to River bend the fork at listen the talks a jinn,
late at night in rest of plight I spock the conversation shock,
woken from the mirror malay to the stun of lone a Stay,
ring the third to Fifth in play,
gold born Symbol on the Shade.

Tight in clip the certain lip stiff to Upper Class in low,
down the spread of Escalator row ah look it just goes strumming joe!!

Knees that once did bend for juice the tomato in the booth,
orange by state to grain the bay it's a Sorrel on the Fake,
read Feather boas wig to shake curls that hang twice on the skate,
watched burn cement of rubber plate Molds of bodies on a Jake!!

Okay or isit the Heard the purse in a snap of Fidget terse,
now the distant roads are rugged with the silk in stockings Honey,
buns atop the heads of Hair wrapped in baskets of this I swear,
a symbol of the wrangler stare whats in the bun if tangles Strung,
bobbie pens!!

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