Friday, October 31, 2014

The Bye Owe Metrics

Touch matter of the hot in the swim of slowly to the simmer on the grounds of the scene,
in balanced riding an action to the tumbler into the Type position of crunching read,
across the grand division on recording of the seat to a two timing rendition of the sole,
in less of the positive the shield of the negative is filming on the eye in a brow of shy.

Onwards with the Heeled acceptance as the horse of life,
in this arena of dashing price the human being in divides,
sense from dollars adding quarters to double the dime at Nickel,
gold on copper in pearls of sold it only green of Plaque.

Held to view the visa room of labels on the walls inscribed with bulging closed,
from delivered to the Pic. of the snapshot of equip. a perfect flavor of the board,
written on the phone of posed still a certain shows a chose to empty of the seen,
bouncing trade as balls to way the kick of said in guts of store.

As names are the frank of truth a spice basis of planets tooth,
shook to scrabble no not Reality for the stature spoke of Shined,
as age goes to silver grey a simple note to Whom is shade,
greater exports of the train have prepared to theme adore.

Creative design does excuse the fallen shoulder for a score,
in honest of the Rails Time passing lands did formal Clan,
the thump of hear to staff of say gave directions in the clay,
method of the travel on the Out is indicative of this I spout.

Continents with the parks of Wild on the plains of ream,
partly due to arid weather really more to Means,
the shape of each this lands that treat to sand on every beach,
a Wave is soaring to the height of hello that Welcomes Rite!!

Blue to brown to grits of brim talking Crown at gem,
digs tough jars filled to limb sure of Tells that graph a been,
carvings on caves in send bearing letters by describing sings,
drums of vase a painted case Scrolls of roles providing Shoal,
in ventures on the Babylon hanging gardens that are all gone,
present now chilly loud tongues to like the range Tree.

Example of Ecclesiastes drinking down the Psalms,
doping signatures with dancing strong words of worn in barrel form,
shanks in chain a cuff for brain Cups serving liquid blood,
heritage unexclaimed by acception of societies reign.

Fear mongers drowning Plateaus in sounding horns of Cattle slain,
the honey of the marrow brought a thirsty warriors same,
without the destruction of oblivion thoughts growth would be a rein,
the rise the fall the crawl the walk the run the jog the Jugs,
temples on Horizons with compass's of love,
not these present particles of Religious dogma that plates you with the smash,
crushing any All in fact that wish for difference to Come back.

The gaining of the read to Trued is chaining Genesis to this croupe a letter with ackwards,
the spoke and spell drug Speech and Tell as if the collar lifted measure,
dunk that week with broader deep in that the journal of a Pre in stopping whats INSANE,
it's not IF rather ................

Trust the rolling scale seen as The End goes mark of seen in changing explanation point to symbol @
the sign of what does complete The Question Air of dimple lease a body & A dare!!

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