Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Freckle Past A Hare

Ask 'Mind Control' researchers if the task is the pull of lappers to slip Thought,
is the 60's so forgotten by what has been noted legally as 'Remote Viewing' CIA,
this product has burst to Now Two-Thousand Fourteen without advances on satchel Subjects,
being charted by that 30 Year term of Tellers silence by the Wood Worm berms,
factors are driven by Societies need to bean the Pearl on the clammer of the View.

Thus creation barrels life as Evolution banks 'The Continue' burning nothing back,
at most Cavemen to Naples saying grease was Oil in the Whale of Moby talk Abraham,
on the alterations of mentality to skate the Ice with an axe to pick at the frozen in Fleet,
that just is Artics sheets showing in Reality the melting of growth to the rising of chiel.

No scratch needed for the latest update ask the blunt for a smoke deliver law to A listed,
spanking alcohol as Higher than any other bank to the brain in affect of the Settlers smear,
an Indian by prose the Handprint by finger a swipe to Eraser the music to bark a Sphere is a ..globe,
does it snow in the Rounds or do you shake the bulb as the Eclectic figure is Mold.

Made by pipeline otherwise understood like pass the pepper in the Musical chairs on Wicker,
a pole for month the day for humps a Camel on the fag of understanding the drag in Smoke,
choking on the Menu provides not price rather an Atlas to divide the Conqueror,
in this unification of subtraction to Division it relies on the Multiple layers to Bayers tablet.

Method of prescription by Halo of deep wired is the arm at elbow in must bend,
or is the under standing a youth that falls for the plundering jokes that mostly play personal faults,
as shaking is touch Earth the vibration is not heard rather Scene of spread at flight bird,
or could it be the Runners in the path that spooks the cast to deep seated craft called grounders.


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