Friday, November 21, 2014

Bate Ta

Proud the Flesh in bones on Great that Fantastic type the windows rate in paper are the towels,
on write to bring the steam of crate the barrel on the Monkey case for string the bucket thrice,
in middle town of Walk Around the touring on big bangers loud a Film with letters Ceiled!!

Tribe that cost to price In Bossed for that is the example of the Poker on a joke in the Found,
craft Nature with Crows that speak to Chimney on the Winter Keep a chill for would in dare,
thy value measures Shoulders Square to look and Watch the Signs at bare in Boar I build.

One day Ages in no need to Count for the duke is fight it On the Fare of ground in Cycling sounds,
drum BANG goes the Scribble Lot as words are certain and fight is Scot at know the underwear's,
choice pickings with no real stomper for that would a bounce to know the Tape had balls!1

Forth forward Chess of Pawn my friend you are the counter of All in spend that Wild Cards lend,
four of a Kind in the dealings of life belly that gamble and don't blink Twice for I have a goal,
in this be Wisdom of Polo as The Horse of of a String the ready of a Saddled ring and bearings!!

Trailer Hot with hitch my stop as Calendar is of Year to Crop the Circles on the Fringed,
at edge of bell the Toll is shall the Timber be of Stone Henge lead for Echo is the slot,
a deposit in Account of lives which came and said that Central bide is Introducing clean!!

A prelude to the Founders of bringing Temple challenge Thor a Hammer in the dine,
restaurant that Fine Cuisine to spank the Plate with alder seams a Taste by spice in salts,
over the board to ankle the Heel is merely the dribble that Blunt is real and Towards this farce of sealed.

History guitar with a Harp and a Bar the Napkin on pencil with a little Black Book as Stencil,
the alphabet Memorized an Elemental gone Live is as basic in the spine as this World has dubbed lines,
the arbor of Garden to the gates of explore A Ship on the See a Nest in the chore is a Mast of sailings,
trained for those heavy Waves that Title to Choice by decision of secret Society to Test of Variety,
magazines of Course!!

Phrase the profit with Gold on the Coin is a Nautical believe for the U.S.A. has a leave on the Mint,
the four word put was after the Mold as production brought by the Red in a cold,
War that is!!

However more to the Point of the stand of carve is the All Seeing Eye at the pyramid dry,
the Latin intense the product of Mince has no translation needed at Hence,
for to state 'In God We Trust' is obvious for the Print is Above the Trapezoid ewe Employ,
as the Name owed in Writ as clearly as Picked at the base structure on Knowing the Fit!!

Sun Set 

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