Thursday, November 20, 2014

Home Stretch

Evolving rates at Pace Consumers of Vast in the division of work to numerical trust,
the each to each the word expressed represents a Mathematical System of Operation at Realized price,
to tally The Totals equal at Sum the variable with Arithmetic is yet another Word of done.

Tride and Trued to the Universe at Youth to sphere of recognition the Planet Earth,
to text upon the written of the Chisel or the Fare is never in discount of the craft in the pare,
for doubles are the Four in the deck of the Cards on the table playing Poker ask the Devil Hards,
eggs that are spoils to both rich and rot which is the caliber that Rifles on the plot.

Grave in tomb raptured in the apocalyptic knot,
go touch the last of the Stone on the Crop,
a plough for the Planter delivers Rubber trees,
pots on the pews have preached the ever bee's.

Stings that barrel bounce to the settlement of Thought,
a crayon for the book and breakfast at the Rook,
chess a Pawn in paper definition is within the dictionary of Century on given!!

Grapple with now done Nature snowed the scene to bring a clue by Pharoah,
the temple of the brain to the Trains that cannot scoot,
a rail on the ballast in the Chimney of chute!!

Mind in the full brim is Crown to count the Plan,
as a good well driven Menu is dressage for the Man,
a test my means and learns is no more or less to can,
cold shoulders with a Pull-Over to scotch the liqueur spanned!!

Drink the thirst with a Sober Mind than locks be jammed,
in these days of beach the sea is Upside down on grands,
to bask on sunshine in the Score is to recognize the dinner Thor,
a slammer in the Mount of Atlas the guide is at The Door!!

A fairy Tale storage has lost the simple dream,
with all the truth of dignity reality is scream,
in silence on the Enter Net of spiders on the Webs,
crawling with that Human thumb of gross Profits by the dung!!

Market to the actual the years of squatters lunged,
writ by Times to envelope rhymes to speak the difficult environment without the cuffs of crime.

Thus the parent aspect is the station of the gear,
doing on the simple of the complexity of jeer,
joke a while been the mile for graph that Compass trial,
a court of no lather has no satisfaction for the Win.

Alive In The Breeze

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