Monday, November 17, 2014

Rabbit Ears Adjustment With Know Human Contact

Template well the droplets soled to the burrow of that fold on actual computer done,
to style with a list in hit thus remind is The World to Tit that shadow of the Founded,
by basic in the Moon C.D. to dust Jacket of the finders feed to tack the each at bit,
burp this entry as Application to the scout of Whom is tribe in the very Stone.

To out at desked the pen of lamp it is the green by chain Pulled bide,
a house that Centers decks with leaps on the Window back to be,
once the Story Shelf on brought CIA in Antons whelp,
a counter with the dungeon sat walking in was done to Fact!!

F.B.I trooped black Suite worn down the basement dinner Roared,
parking stats to sucking thumb on the Table elbows lung,
no question to the Answered pea for the Pod is on the deed,
know belief of each Hits dawn telling pardon for the tongue.

Camera over with a Screen is the remote View a bring,
via Sat tasked to scope with the Written by it's lope,
in the Truth of ration slone Prop this gander to the bone,
feeds that Oat to Catch the Rye on the Gibson movie Hi!!

Filming all while written spoons,
swallow treasured Goods in grown,
now to Video on the lead does not the Eddy show a Keep on a Course in sighed,
note Full Well as my brother Tells to the knock of Conductive Hell,
these are not sparks at tired Release is the bark of ruff a Flyer,

Bulletins on the News ignored playing singles to chomp the doors,
crinkle foil saran the wrap as the bundle is a Tap,
of the foot to walk the Mile on track born the ride is dial,
as easy as the Three to One in at base of dockers Fun.

Port trust Theory not bothered baste butter is the best in Taste,
speaking as Those Agents beep to ignitions on the Feat,
creed to doctrine the 60's seat Won for Mountain and branch the skeet.

Computers on the Apple sit to what in exact as bringers dip,
is it the Star by Name in court or could it would it be the store,
on such Ship the boaters Stow on a lake in Ole tanks rode,
like the Stables Freckles showed for the posting dates it Sewn.

Coincidence matrix fenced with the Happenstance to sents,
scribble postcards to the Know on the hippie in the flow,
barefoot golden Showers scent as the paper is a Vent,
just exact to drawers of Track speech is on the Railed stacks.

But that's alright to Pose the passed puts the factor straight Up mat,
wiping faces just like slack with a Whipper Wills on craft,
march the skill talent bath Once the washer now it's lat,
one Shingle at Won time is the Roof of made designed,
moreover Tree for 815 is and Was the Street of Means in learning of the deeds!!

Initial Plate

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