Monday, November 3, 2014

The Monkey King's Chemistry & A Mazing Facts

To a particular of the Tweets & The Twats bugger The News to aye say Ewes,
the knock on value to the Anal Retentive has done the Overboard in by means,
that understanding was a given long ago but in the caption of ranker blows,
blow the knee on that ankle of sat was the information of held and now it slaps back.

Text to the trouble of bother the finger would only be answered by the expressive of know,
on that count in the digit mid to the row a ring was the answer now it's just joe,
sloppy to the buns in the meat of a grow balance the given with this dancer at show!!

Coping a feel by cruising the flow surfers march Oceans to joint the Land oh,
baskets of woven by strings on the stay will never discount the songs on the pound,
in lyrics of sung by the way of dung Pleasure or Stimulation is a sidewalk to pun,
stage Fright to real is life on the shun Crowds that hand balls the stiff suit Scaled!!

Moon planet the dish with a Spoon getting wish knee Jerks that Hoss to a panter in boss,
travel the talent back to the States that where denims with great bank in the Fates,
sirens that alarm to the wax get Wet for the sinking of Arrow on Cupio's bet!!

Strike off to the coach of no introduction than down the swallow to planters seduction,
a bride's groom in skating the bridge to the deep,
jumping around as a sticker to keep,
mission that attachment of string with a Blunt,
smoke is for blankets that Warn on The Come!!

Trail the breaking of Will by the sum,
gold to the pocket and chew to the gum,
fire a ciggy and drink lots of run,
'cause guest in the stage be grates the big Cage.

Cartons of locale to center on days,
marking the Check like a Cloak in the Graeae`s,
but listen to Watch for the bands got a crotch,
that hardens to do the same old howdy Flu.

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