Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Writing Sand

Not asking the state of Peruse the Handle of a length disciple has done a tadpole,
in the Swim of the net of the shores of the late The Mention is more certainly a skew,
as the taste is of know question the rather of the lob is indeed the game of Whom holds,
ask The Hand!!

Sense to the Tack of the greater defense that is the Fact of a letter on the stack,
should the BALLS have Being than the energy is flea as Hip~Pop goes wiggle,
the tend in see quite to the buggered is NOT in The Press`sure of Visitation Verse`d,
ask The Hand!!

To Talk on the Shell of the clam in the Muscle of the simple task of Working it OUT,
Time is more than Ewe'll have with the ramming effect of this Barbarian effort touch ski,
ask The Hand!!

Antlers are of the seasonal layers to the Tree Rubbers in a sing-a-long of written in readies,
shall The Waltz be of Fantasia and the Stile be of a blog than the Turnabout is obviously a lay Z band,
Ask the hand!!

The cause of this dialings of robust in Spice is the systematic strange Wilds of reading suspect,
being informed by the text of retrieval an Armor of ample in the chorus of built by blueprints,
ask The Hand!!

Painting by Number is a curtain listed by the Watercolors of The Learner to the originals canvas,
copy`rites with a flip of 'LP' in Is is the direct Crayons book of waxing the mold to the Inn sizers,
blanket state meant!!

Floss the string of ear toners to Voice box and what do you have is KNOW more plugs,
decidedly the market is Tooled to advantage the skew of Stake purse in the Human Race,
blank 'It' statement!!

No Asterisk Provided

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