Tuesday, December 23, 2014

And Once It Was Gone

As the average attentive grazes in fro a view to the write on a blog named different,
in flight of the reader do you only page the production to nothing in the future hand,
is the bearings of Plato considered the seat of a philosophical dead to the said being stunners,
in the reducement of knot is the slick line to he parkers fine the Mined drilling of religious mortality,
as desk to bed in the tackle of hook a baiting question with know viable answering the pole,
spinners on the Web of transfer to Sight in gnashing the tow link with chaining the find,
can a breakage of fish oil to text via birth be of a counter to the increasing Autism on Earth,
in basic of speech to the Stud on the cox is the Horse of 'morrow not the teach of clinician.
yule tidings with each at rib for the dinner to breakfast is not dusk till dawn in the evening gown,
addressing the apathy of people on this platter of collected reason not delivering a quick,
on the stupor of central location of the sign to Signaling smoke billows of the leek,
shall nigh the voice of singing to piece be of the Riddler on the pack to the theme of the sister,
is the family of stringing a tunnel of fuck a Christmas celebration to task Easter to spurn,
is the tree in your house of decor to the place remembering the cycle of growing with trace,
does the laughter of the strong chortle to touch belly hunger for the hug with the face in profiled,
can the liberty and grace of folded in lace be only the silk of the spider by state,
goes to the candle for the wax on the fact the method chant be the tremble pursed case,
as the restroom of disposal the lips on the stick a tongue for the mouth a wrist for the Put.

Carlyle in broad a telephone on Copper the Cone of the standing in a measurable chase,
the islets of boot a tennis shoe scotch Wine tells the glass of the stem of wares back,
spine with the stride in the temper of grown does than the mirror speak with two based,
reflecting the product of the womb And the Nurse chosen to substitute the milk Oxen brae,
a mule in corporation the red eye lace Visine for the lashes and liquids for sake,
slight to the bangle in necklace of pearl did the clam ever glee to the breeze from the day,
a muscle type oyster to a diamond in caved The Gem stones in expense had a shining by stayed,
have in the temple of church times at bay for the meal is worm with a bit salt quest taste,
landing on dick stride for the vagina off etch the primordial cracking of the Horn to the vase,
painted by sound in the echo of bait is the Fish on the slumber while the bear is of gate,
usurp kindle lumber with a fire for cook roasting the prime in the number of stood,
shall the heavy hard shelf with stress of relate inking the trouble to scour the belt,
jest found to laughter is the funny cartoon the Carton of faces in missing the tune.

Giants in elves the pointed ear shape is the Nose on the figure swiped for the still,
is gossip over appetizer the pizza from shake the roll of the dough to the baking per take,
olives with cheese tomato at brace shall the garden of friendly just slam on the steak,
cutting the oven with the salad form beet a cucumber sale to crisp on the burnt,
is it really just fodder to clamp the grip down harder and harder to increase isolate,
the enjoyment of stirring from post to post date a jump for the standard in provocation of slate,
is the formal apparition that taunting fornicate of reading the aspect by not breathing the fate,
for in the Frost of the Ice in the sheet is the wealth of this message sung you A Log,
in the midst of the start to these moments of clock a phone for the solder a weld to the rake,
mechanics in Oregon the treasure of chalk never discounted the conversation by blocked,
reason garage the Cadillac walk an ample increase with a wisdom to teach.

The faction of film with a letter on skate the burden of blood with a vein on the trait,
far from the means in the caliber fright for as the fly crows the vultures do showed,
in proper return to the Hawk just now swoop the seer of stealth is a Witness to health,
for this instant moment on the pleasure readers fined I have a home these notes are just timed,
to relief of the scramble tell the Crepe, omelette with pleased, Onions on spinach, the shells for spake,
sleep to the stumper dream of a lake in the sword of exclusive remind the minds silt,
when`ing from dick to jack the jane quilt the three clock brush hour often minutes signed shake.

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