Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Banking At The Derby Life Notes Of Charmers

Well this mornings treat is a Squirrel about the drive enjoying The Crew of tree bough,
scurrying about the branch hop scout with a puff tail in the air of bottle brush descript,
skates to the very find as not often hours bring neat visits from squirrel at my mountain tamed home,
range with a delight as I love the nature of remind to touch the aspect Wildly at stormed,
A Troubadour what a Corker!! 

The team week of the Week symbol is weather on the Hawaii breeze chesting the coastal shore,
sandbag preparation at all the locale perhaps will full the stream to keep the flow on drain,
the gutters being cleared to that gigantic Vacuum used for Sewers,
oh but forward the tasks are in the hours of ready 'The gathering Nuts!!,' lessons on the Tens.

Nimble to the tread as the Ocean roars his brain Waved to the rise like the tempo of The Crane,
flew with the Tidals on more steady in the rain Down comes a pore of Persons being train,
talk a value fork the measure with the Feather in the CAP graduates of cleaner or in post Perhaps,
qwill the anchor with that boat of a Craft theme is a perpendicular choice to put grasp.

Circular the product not a groove it is the beam,
lasting all the through time to bringing on the stream,
a bridge to be aware that seeding is a care,
for shall the seeds brought prosper than growth is on the dared!!

Gig talent Overboard as the golf of just Say Four the worth of fantastic is Clarity of core,
shoveling the mercury that gravity of space is moveable direction to place a smile on chored face,
the taught by Grands was work is of a Stake callous not of Mind the hands will supply race,
easy on the rein guides are often plain asking buffalo my best friend ought to row,
there upon that computer song the Tale of the route receipt of read is recognize the gorgon is a lead.

The clouds are cools the dragon calls on the Answer quest,
far not really for the draw is of the reckons less,
at North to west the River nest is Parks that make A steam,
no smoke to signal for the cream is Vapor on the crest.

Real lives at banks and kites regard the after only on the Winning of the pest,
for as the Walker gallops it is the trip of death that Cause and Effect to know today inks now,
for yesterday is much like Tomorrow on a go if what one does is not the work that the fertilizes earth,
simple with a touch of class to drink the absolute, Every thing is source full so carriage first recycled Set.

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