Saturday, December 6, 2014


Crawler the meal forks the fodder of smile in the chopper of the cut touch the mile,
solar art to tell of dance of nature on the bowl this system of a galaxy at trust Polar foal,
the sync trace of verse is nothing in compare ask the rapid mind keep shale on that fact,
the sleeve of role is matters rack to harness of the nose for facial recognition has been tossed to bin,
the trash is out to record store in vista of the spree, quick to pulse that nautical at compass of the steep.

Crematory is this thing that has come to creep in ever, on that copper hand it's up to only seed,
for as the ash began in blast the big bang is the fact,
to know that in the r.n.a. a coarse did simple stack.

Science referred the excess lack was junk in ole spinal crack,
to task that with the d.n.a. was troublesome for the mole,
in tiger stripes the Zebra pout was tsk humanity,
from the print I say put, to that, the pulp is in the hat.

Dolphin flipped sonar tripped echoed rite on that,
an ugly farm of public yarn put out the base of tar,
just then the dinosaur jumped the shore like a car driven with a fuel,
the fossil fell to origin, What, you ate the engine too.

No no I explained but then I stopped was the engine cool,
that moment thought of wow a got an Apache frozen tool,
the Ax I brought was Atlas tot no that can't be brought,
for that would mean the bean of tree had an apple stew,
minute bar the convert jarred a Pickle relish Candy lard,
the Pope stood down to check on shoe but those seemed a slip gone pew.

That parkway called the Field of sprawl talk Wildlife again,
tuned out Society said the route was not as miffed as Flu,
the scent parade hoped away for Catholics least had Incense while burning all the sealed,
however the jack did bustle, The Drill, life was on revealed.

Computers on the contrary were extreme with attention,
the pounding swipe of touch touch touch sex became a bench`in,
the enter button spoke like shift that Tab bar even arrows,
backspace was not all control but that Page up was chair owed.

To be of the say at percent really tweet was at more James Blunt and productions,
escape was spelt so funny that not one did think of scar,
screens behaved most of the time I know that mine is certain,
it spells the words like would a Thought that everything was work kin.

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