Friday, January 23, 2015

Defining Definition

To each at ball the swatch of watch to wrist of ankle in complete the drawer of Acer,
in deck land on pier to portal of mouth a touch on shoulder of packing,
stuffed with muscle of rib and method an operator of lip,
in with the eyes to tack a pupil of up understand to the dialect ruble,
a gem state to park of parson.

The garden of parish in chap^len on dust blows ancient to the Flounder to represent the Mule,
a sterile special to chain the limber with chop,
in stake of Lance and spear a happy loft is a bale,
arson has done to the Renaissance what Atom did to Ale!!

Swallow history without digestion & the blocks build a Pyramid theme,
copper talks to Wire bing in ark of shape of Noah^a^ing; the dove of no sprig but The Crow of Angle,
to Sear the scope with an Eagle flying Hawk`Ean.

Film real with tackle done as theory in fact has provided Horror^Moans to dank darkest boned,
truth in blank meld the bright glass of water in dry sand,
a beach of oceanus to tide^all chart,
scratch skin I know c.d. to speak of flower as skunked delight,
paint a stripe sewn bar light to medal,
on a desk of Inks the badger a doe boy singer hitting anchored at lead.

Begging no question as the mead of dawn in horizon sun to set of name,
spelt to craft of language grade to tree of willow of bench at seat,
no ladder requires a rope to bolt the thunder sounded,
for arrow point to the bough it snapped from the wait of pilots.

Drank-on the thought to letters mile the minute time with gear Big Ben,
a Train Station with handles chime belled by shackles of goats land.

However weeds are Nana beans as growth inhabits the Ivy plant,
the cover never but rather save that tree below the death of porch,
the warmth of sun in shaded death to smart that work with nailed scortch to whippings of 'The Cream'.

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