Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How The Smell Of Rain Happens

Oh how the treasure of the ocean base to the sale of the simplest form of bait to hook the whale,
on the brought to the story of the latest news flash a bulb to the beach of the fable be glory,
rising to the sun on the lift of the slough is the boat to a carve on the method operation of fluke,
port of swim with peers to a fleet are the minuets that muster to sing of delight,
in Tried & True as the foot to a shoe the seal of grand is the sea full be bred.

Chaise lounge to the skill of the brain that Mind on the Moby to skit the curl of fantastic,
scores on the years of the blubber to the Tiers scones on the monkey with dipped scamperings,
dolphins on the Solar to the clues of the depth communication on learning the actionable flip,
free to the Wind in the heir of the Sound brings foundation to the fact that Wild is said.

Names on the Flowers those Titan express slides taught the see that the plank^ton is the Keep,
heavy on the line a basket treat to fetch the belly bite from the Grizzly on land to a fish in the feed,
rivers to taste as the rocks on the lake Alcatraz is the fort to tackle a plate an echo of the herd.

Prism dilection the special relation to touch know the spectacular of the rib believed to filming,
in at the breathe of the grasp that Man kinds handed the most fortunate gift grave fortune by myth,
magically rounded to smooth on the scene like Icing with melded to prose written theme,
music in the silent report of a dream A Watch clique of tubular as the sky parchment sings.

Sports of the lanes enjoy the freeze Flamed as animals are precious in this time of deck mans,
mansion of castled to loss of the steam quest with a happening be favored with joy,
shall the Nature of the beast be of down from the feat shallow the hull and the jello will folk,
be vernacular driven to train with a Tell remembering loc as the up on the talked: Forever!!

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