Sunday, April 19, 2015

In Memory All While Asking No Favor

See the Art as treed to the death of my best Friend Eden by Name Sundown by state,
as the slam of the Timber was heard by now another sound the dead by said trade,
to burst on the sham Pain to touching the reality of statute A glass the Ceiling to Operators dial,
to the Numbers on the sing of sewn to More than the dips and the Rose betwixt the Christian slain,
to fix on the method of that is the symptom to plate that repeat is Peter by the baseballs theme,
strike Out to taste dirt for on the Hit of a Homerun it is the Roar of the Cut lore that strangles the car,
this Nation of global scene to the cheats and the seats A ride to balance as the station of the Standards tagged.

Pitch the Fast as the Hunger Games in that the Divergent charges the choice to Happenings of rail,
on that is the built by Design to process the Flag as the sitters read Line,
cruise with the Sea to float of the Barge question the Freight from the envelope Songs,
in the midst of the Shite to the Pub crawling long It grains the drink to Al call Haul the Storm,
presently accounted tore the damper to Open the fluke as that is the Answering of the Quest to landers,
shipping class to Steep metal the boiling Waters which blood Born will Title the next actual Horror,
like the Eddy great of the Creature Feature learner of Television of the National broadcasting Net Works.

Does the channel of the Sat in the lights of the Lamp blasters engage marsh to Mellow the steep,
while turning the Valve as the gauge and discussing the Factor to Real Time on the Pail,
eating a purchase stealing the Oats oiling the Vinegar with the Waist of the Poe leased??,
is the ink in Question of the sentence Foot to now Greek the enter to the Human Being reamed??,
can that clean and dirty Falcon of the Hawk be of the Crow that Winters with the X Mass of jeeves??

Shackles in the barter to Caste of the fountains on the History of the Clothes,
as to Mention of the Tables on the Salts or is the the butter screaming Milk,
on the skeet in the rifle as the sheets for the blankets Bellow for the Smoke on the breadth of go deep,
a Motorcycle on the sound of the Rumbling lands A kick Start to know that shoe Ganders sand,
pond to the Maker on the ear of the Perfume as the eyes are on the painted Counterfeits of rent.

Again on the blocks of the Founders of the Earthly realms by the Ways of the Tower of commerce,
basket pass that Coinage with the Pope on the laugh as in the Robbery people have died to come back!!

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