Thursday, April 23, 2015

When Meetings Go Rye But Have Read The Chemical Romance While On The Worlds Turing Machined

In a dream skate on the Other Map on my Sleeve in the Night of lens I write a Screen,
knowing the Simple to that Text on the Rib is as to Mention that the Ribbon is Oh what a Banana,
the slip and Slide as I read to the rate A Pace on the Sub Titles writing to spake,
in the gentle frame of my Mind on the Spline this is the Spoken of morning for Theme.

The Outer Realm of Transcendence gone Trip is the Robotics on Auto the Pilots on R.I.P.,
dead on arrival the Swat for the rump Wrapped corn the Cod in the swish to the Trump,
the seals are Ears to Siren the knows ask any on special the Joe is a Clone`d,
to base of the Tick on the tack at the Bends search for the Bounty and a Plank pirates prosed.

Is the Time of the Clock on The watch of the Palm breeze,
is the banter of loud Screaming to brave,
are the ankles that tow to the body by Weighed trusting the Certificate or the belly by Played.

Can the Tree of the Forest be routed to grove,
in the Miles of driven A Carriage for stay,
does the Public just Pounce like Cats at the Crave,
in History the Facts are just miserable on laid.

Form to the shape and a Bit to control Belief that the World is showering Trolls,
on the divide of the double Split sow Is the piggies on Wiggle or does the giggle say came,
should the bell of the Brain know of shadows on Take than does the Camera blink lens like a grave,
shall the Clam be of Pearl the Gem of the Stoned that does the Circle go line to the Infinity of comb.

Crease on the shoe of the Heel to the Boots counting the Sand of the dialing Tell truth,
bounce on the knee as the Charleston scram Crowds that invade to talk Circles on jade,
dragons earn Trumpets the Chapter at book The Dust in the foundation of Mud's that bake Lake,
the Sword of the Grower to the Daggers that fright The Quest is not same as the livery goes rent!!

Body Oh Body the shell on the beach Humanity waits for the face to plant Hate,
than on Parade to dues for the being Is not the true dice choking roulette.

Round on the Sphere is a Global waist Tear drop of the Water as salts in the steer,
tides Charting Tide to timely in Cry banking that 1000 years for the ride!!

Taste that born dime the Leaf or the drum Minds that have been the Pounded by crumb,
a Pop of the Photo to the Tunnel of speed Down goes the Awkward in comes be saved,
as balance to Breathe and a Room for the leaves Which is the Tablet that Swallows give Ream,
is than the Opening of The Mouth ceremony beasting the Fear with barriers and Money,
do the Mountains that echo a Music with stream Treat that indifference to Consumption's of green,
with the Mossy Hills a lawn Mowed for short depriving the Handle a Goods understanding the trout,
fishing at Spacer the bar Word to sing Grates are the Scariest of All Living Things. 

Cinderella spoken to the Ashes of clay A Fire of pits to the Frost of bread bays,
in the Pine on the Oak to best trades,
 Ribbons on More's answers by Winds that go Shade,
tight an A bright the Shining be lend as in the depth its a risk to begin`d.

|Friday, April 24, 2015

Ghosts, Reincarnation and the Soul of a Human Being

I don’t know how many of you readers believe in ghosts but if there is one thing we can all agree on is that reports of ghosts and visitors from beyond the grave are a phenomenon that goes way back in history. As an example, in the epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest surviving pieces of literature, the hero is known to beg the gods for the return of his friend, Ea-Banj, who has recently died. In Plato we find a story about the souls of men prowling around near graves and cemeteries and in the 1st Century we can find Pliny the Younger telling a story about a philosopher and a ghost.
Today, in our more advanced and educated society people have varied and different views on the actual definition of just what a ghost is, some say it is nothing but fiction, a fantasy of the mind which people somehow perceive as real, yet others demand from themselves more profound thoughts and see ghosts as a living part of a human being (The Soul) which remains in the physical world after death but has very few means of interacting with it.
Some people also have the belief that spirits which roam the earth do so because they can’t cross-over into the spirit world; this is a common theory which comes from the belief within Christianity that most people who die need to do some sort of penance in the afterlife. In fact many religions and cultures of the past shared this same belief.
Others are of an opinion which sees a ghost as being the soul of a person waiting to be reborn in a new physical body in order to re-live life once again. In fact the opinions and belief from people with regards ghosts vary widely and many dignitaries throughout history have spoken on the subject.

Thankfully, Jesus himself took task to the issue and defined once and for all exactly what a ghost is and why it exists when he asked his disciples who the crowds thought he was.  (Luke 9: 18-19)
They said in reply, “They say you are John the Baptist, my Lord;
others said, “They say you are Elijah, Oh Son of God;
and yet others said, “They say you are one of the ancient prophets which has arisen.”
Jesus, in his wisdom chose not to correct them in their belief that reincarnation was possible, instead he went on to remind them that in his case he was something else.
Further on his disciples asked him – “Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”  (Matthew 17: 10-13)
Jesus had this to say as a response:
“Elijah will indeed come and restore all things; but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they pleased. So also will the Son of Man suffer at their hands”
Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist.
What Jesus had done was to recognise the existence of continuous lived experiences. Jesus told his disciples that John the Baptist had indeed been Elijah in a prior life, in other words, he told them that John was the reincarnation of Elijah.
What makes us think that a soul gets only one chance at life, why not more than one life?
If one sees God as a loving father, then Why would God not allow us to continue the process of a soul entering another body or indeed why would he not allow a soul to enter any form of physical existence in order for us to live a life full of physical experiences?

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