Friday, May 22, 2015

Cool Awe

There Was a horror of A Train Crash that it bounced the Rails on the East Turned Coast,
that Engine Near to a Bulls thrown as Now the Said is that he Is Homosexual: The Cause.

Why on the foundation of a Shore is that Jockey`d to Transfer on the News as A Tell,
in this World of Wonder the bread in the Dough sticking on pen Isa pleasant flour.

Mix Ture`d to batter the Hit Up is a Base to Know that Trips are sanction`d From dish,
a radio on the NPR Announced that skate as the More's on the Chimney of State Hood.

In the Finch on the Wild to A Whistler Review`d that sentence of A Come is Tuner Ribbon`d,
wrap that Coy to the Yode dual on News in Tape overHead and the frigid in stead.

As In earlier to Balance the City by the Sound is a Sauce that is little To sake of the Great,
in Any Turkey understanding than the Boat Man is stood to Banking the Noise`d.

Worry is a Reality in this Vision of Sport perfect to Wheel`d the Broad Casters Core`d,
shades on the Valance to On the Station real Inks Can Door as Wolves are the Steel.

Amber with Room for the Elephants chore a Tiger on Sun Days is the Every each pore,
bringing Echo of House as the lighter of Horse it is in the Harness`d that rides this A Soar.

Thought while the People have Known to the Seat a Saddle to Girth is the English on speak,
did that cover go Tell a graph ick or is the Bowl of fish Skull,
answer Hours of rumbles as the In Car Nation does leap.

Deck Hi with a Sped to reduce these Boars that Have Trumpets to Fangs like the Coiling laid,
in that with The grace I can Only worm Muster from Send to Read seat that Is a big .......

In Hops to that Drink or the Waffle on Iron inching that Mile like the Meter to Stile`d,
inn A round of the Fountain these Octopus leeks Pencil with lead to Erase on the Sheet.

Hover caustic With a life that is Greece than Owe lym Pick presents that Feather of sneak`d,
silence Is often the bet of the Dye can'ts Sir is gracious the tower of Lodge`d,
being of Favor is Spice with a Toil yet on the At las the bearings Are Creole.

Per Haps in the Ka when A dents The Bound is a Jake chores of the Clothes line like lawn Dreed,
in Celtic the Harp the kicks of the Tree route to the Ocean within The Unicorn of sleeve`d.