Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Bye Gorge Write Draw Pole The Drag

It is of Interest to the Swelt on the drip of the Rein as the Ride to that Topper was the drained,
on the cools of the trail there was a Natural Wells languish just Up the Roads on the tracks of the Vat,
to task to that Harness`d I foundered the Tell as the Hooves to that Bell pulled a shoe to A snail,
the Whoa on that Look was the View off the shook to shale in the Hard Pan as the Flout tsk.

So on the language of the barrel to Oxer the Spread on the Vertical a bounce in the Widget,
as Jimmy Woffard a Clinician in Sand Dee A go I lumber the jump to a Pole telephone`d,
on the Clinic in the Term to learning that A Horse can stick the landing to that stuck in the sound,
this was the Year of the port to a drive the Way on the hype as that was the Saw!!

Tubular to depth the Calistoga fell from Waist to the bottle the Hose was a spill,
pressure on Sprinkles that Head to the Foot measure the Standard and write Up a soot,
black Tar in Cause tick the Clock on the pushed ramblers on Vehicle the Wild dogs of Skilled,
a helicopter entry that Falls on the Cycle,
does the Galope know of the shrill.

In the tread tot back as the string of the buzz I stride the vernacular of the Travolta on bong,
that slammer of a Classic to the Farm of the type is that the 80's or the Grease in a gived,
scan long than Par sun to that Crystal Springs flounder are the Fish in the fork or the basic by Set,
does the tuner on razor Know of the bread toga a Burst and sync Mi a kong!!

Granite soap the Rock on the short taste of the Splinter to A dash of Vine in a gurr,
growling the canter to breasting the Come on the Hip to a skirt is the Wave just a Port,
not according to the Man A Gee that said in a frank Satellite sir Vail lens sky dived on a Core,
the same name in bumble the Be`s of the cream dug to that weird of B.D.S.M. providence`d prey!!

Odd a See to Wit next that drop line of Phish ask ripe on that Sweat box & the living sheds Rib,
a bbq cool Out to soda Pops load The Met Tron on first Apple the bite was the bed,
to shirt of the Wranglers that camera affect In Process the library Spoke of the tool,
should the area be Clearing of Clear of the state does the Pond than become the rinse on the Frog,

spotted by candor Washed buy the Fill,
casper did scooby and the Vans bubbled Milled.

Thereabouts the Movie House filmed a Snoopy,
charlie brown on those jackets the keepers of seats,
a freight of a Deck to the Use of the yeds I stood in the shade as the Irons wore 'till,
grateful I am for the trees and the Keds a sometime of quilt the Quest of the jed,
the move was of strange quick and read dead butter on rump the rack and thats lead,
as the intro was Known to I in comfort and Pane I stitched to that simply by dust and dust laned.