Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Speak Spar^Ton & As Tech at The Rite of Livery To dust the Lacquer A Shingled

The Bun on the camel the Road on the read is that just the but chured to Milk the tit of Scoop,
as the Media United plates has Licensed to the Pet Troll is that then the Absolute as that is glass of Oil,
in the Air port Ole of Switch to the Hit the pitch A dino of the Pre Cog to Castle of the Sheep,
owe Weight it Musk be Horses trace that Cave lurk of the Monies,
a belt of Milk Waving to the Universal Polled,
that would simple Complexion of I a Nah Nah  that is Just and from this cent to Pennies in the rice`d,
beans on Catholics religion Sports does the Peer a Midst this Froth be Ocean of the Difference,
OH YES I STATE to give and Shake that shirt is of the Rib Stunced!!

So dumb CBS and Scoot NBC for Ware in the Whir Oles is ABC the 123 of XYZ in Precedence,
it must be on that Chair owe sweet the Chalk oh lets be Outline,
that draw of gun that Arm its Rung to ring the stone of Sistence!!

So there abouts the When abouts to no the Doubts of Sumps,
that is the White Sheet on the Hat of shaped to be that Inspired rat to OOP's on the MIMICs,
sew this thread to god is bed and she Ah was a Guard of Owe binned,
from base of life to back to Basic it is the saddle of the Fact and that just Products laces.

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