Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Whats Your Prakt Dist

Twine Mi Name on Numbers Ankle the Skeletal and Men said Ration that is the Ancient War,
in that this World of the Now has the People Pore and Show,
did that Sir Prized rank the Glow or are the Genders shocked at Crow,
the Cock on Hen to Vibration Lung is that Row of row row Row to row row of Simon says be lei`d,
the Flower loop of Crest and Scoop that Muscle on the Oin to Loins loins Loins,
Don't Worry the Harp of Struck this World now does Not believe that Incarnation is Creative Too!!

On that Dali Lama chain Report the rounds of Man to death by Smite,
it is in the Circle Stance whoa it is the Rib on Shoot,
beyond the 'X' up in the Sty a Virtue showing Scorpions Hi on Once Upon a Books,
delve that Signal to the drum that Internal organ called a Shape and that is Easy speakers Snake,
history charges Changed for in Brass the barrels Come a dick the balls the Y crow Mow zone,
whom is on the Ole saint Stunned!!

Is it the Sex of Op it Set on that Hinge is it same in Step does Than the dance say Old Commune,
did that fir began to script stealing For Mat the brush of Croup,
did not that Footstep robin To Be Gunned to Cannon at the Crew!!

Belt of Starry shout my Sky Make this Heard by Ancient ride Humanity has Railed,
the portals Grain exact as Strum theses plural not Thesis sound it is the Apathetic trainz,
in ba loof to ka put to graves the Tomb of Tongue has engaged the placed.

Human Race has swallowed whole their consumption is drowned by bell lee,
that field to that Compass debt has pushed A side and ripped the skid,
nothing Topped nothing stride the fester boils onions lied,
that pot on Pan that Flute of cork just lee charged the lid to lens.

Blink blink the Rifle shroud the Bull lets put to Magazine rope,
each Every word in Media shred against the Brain of all that night,
on hour per Minute the grass Hath Pot in fir Tile to sprouts that grown to Cased,
in that Wall`t to Wah Russ bloke the Trout go pound and the Water vained.

At that porch of All denial the Hounding of the Kitchens handle nigh Was the wreck,
told to Carry that I Pigeon Tow`d because I know the Hits and tacks,
so hard that still frame said to spread but on that steady I promised back,
to hold to My Grandfathers face For the tears ran down himself.

List ath Tender Eight Thousand the dollars plus the Tax on Hardness this Is the back to banding,
instrument of Yo Gi madness the Insertion of the Moth and desk lee is that twist of byte on sitting,
so do the Men in World Suit Ture also Practice the dived of Dish Nest or is It jump and poe`sshh??
know that the Tenure wrap chured to vista that this Scene is gift Ed be Warned that this Is lots beyond the shave and Gots.