Saturday, July 4, 2015

Math A Mat Ticks Wrote Papyrus

Fascination on this Plan It is as the Earth is to the Corn Pad Dee layers on the Shale spoke of loat,
in that the Moth on the telephone a Butter Fly on the Toe to Engage the Painted Horses a rode,
as that is the Hard Wares of Tack and Prose a Muscle`ing to the Known saying a Key.

As Tech to Ink Can a burp on the Hick upped brought the list to Top Gun & Broke Back Mountain,
the display`N on the Introduction to Bonfire Heart the Album Calling the Moon Landing a but,
as that is the Honest of I in a Truth par Tee it does not Remain to the language of an Idiot to Summer.

The Blues on a Given was the Filming ayes of this World that Cast the Pole as done,
Whom did the Question of the Bra Vlade dough other that the Hooves printing back Track,
as the dust was Mud the jacket at the label Win I know the I land an Understanding to Virgin Recordings.

Sew as the Thread stitched to a Hell meant of the outer Wheel of the fetch I bull`d the bone to a Couch,
so Fee Awe Wes lee the indicative Con that worked the ankle to truth with method of Operation,
a dial on the soap of a sigh In Tall owe Cheese to harbor the Swiss melt Ton.

Wine does the Cork yet on the Vine it must growth with Fertilizer and a lip of Grace to refine the Taste,
a glass of For Get to that At Tossed the picture of a Million Years on this single!!

Then the World yet`d the doubt dust to Soil on a Pin diapering,
cloth of the Registry to a gear of the Shaft at the beach of Ole say grass!!

Mow to that the Saudi Arabian than the Twist in the plug is as Simple rice plants to the Paddy sat,
to temple the grain with lens a Blink on the eye browse to speak Easy for the settlement of grease,
as the Torch on that is the Fountain of Ancient wrath the turn a Bout was Just & Route.

In this united States of whom knows for the 13 Stripes on the Radio of Spoke was delivered to a different comprehension,
as per the Versus of the Wikipedia development on the Boss Ton Ore on of the Aisles At halves,
staff on the Pole to bolts and Thunder the harbinger is a Ready Scathe to Wonder lei.

Is the Radio on Herd a Opera of Stern to the Shipping News of Ice Land,
is the Cube of that Neet not Noticed in the burn,
as that is the Fog on the Floes to Task the Cork of the breaking glass I rhind to that barrel,
wineries merry the gather to a Parade of Work,
the most Impressive of the Operation is the Patience.

A thorough Bread course While accepting the Jetti will segway to the Corn,
as the Whiskey and the Scotch.

The Mash

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