Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Melba Mauda Meakin ~ 22 ~ 22nd Avenue, San Francisco, California 94121 ; West Clay Park, Richmond District ~ Time Stamp 7.28 am : Date Stamp 29/7/2015

Big 'L' Oh sorted through to Realized that the Home of the 22nd dignity Sent style of A compass`ing`d,
as that is the West Clay Park Opera I receipt`d An Anonymous say Sent to advise the I,
I deleted the Notice to Employ cents to that Shoppe on the Horse of the Muni glory enjoy`d,
the Neighborhood of California street to Flat is the Marker to an Up Stare as I wonder!!

Did does in that Know Address Quarry to the Heel for the Math Marsh to bent Blender,
in the grab land to Conch Ear I Trust this bearing to the Creek,
Lobos is the Kit Ten to shropshire buy Name for the Two Cats My Son delivered to Breathe,
in that to File on fun to Treat know trick is the Seat to advent a Number`d,
Why on Earth would My Mother move to Ore gone to be sealed by that roger rehearsed??,
for on the life of the Had once Upon a store Lou Eases whaled the comfort to Hugs,
close to Sayer as the case of the Library would be of Invitation at Tea ~ Tal-y-Tara Polo.

Skull bones knot barn`d a Creative place that breadth of Display`d,
in the Inch to the Feat it is the SFO on the Plane is that scene A fire in the sky was a blur Shock,
to Run Way in Truth the Honest and the Sea I Wave as the Training of discipline gone Rhyme.

Where is the News to shipping on that Ferth for Bryant Gumbel sports HBO show`d,
in the Overseas Counter the Cycle on the Ferrries bolted made me Work worry for the Sade,
did Pope to that Washington miss the Founding Farther to Pence a pluck and Feather in A ban`d.

Treasure to Tree^Sun this is The Moon A Paul owe standing on the Deck saying Porch a Country schlong,
many A year the distance to that spear Hugging for the Missing and Walking for the Queen.

British Isles merry with Growth and comfort loss As it is Seems that the burst is Energy of stream`d,
speaking with the World that makes carry for the bass^get trough of Water to waist for the Fore get.

Be Wise not that Midge as the Jack did plan the Course,
jumps on the Three-day eventers have a Play,
Brian Sabo design the Olympic Stadium,
greece be of the Strength and flowers Pork the good.

My mother has a Family shall I say Petrini`s or say that the Haight and Ashbury bid Stood,
in the 60's decade as V it Nam to key Hell a Kopter christmas snow Flakes on the hood.

Mt. Shasta speak a Tale in the Bay off chance in that the Freeway 5 and I with taking bood,
I counter to Compassion my Children with a geemie Gruggles be of Sing a little song in put,

This is how the lady rides,
clip it Tee clop.

This is how the gentle Man rides,
play Monopoly and ground the talk.

This is how the Farmer rides,
Plow the field and grow The crop for all do venture A rein`d in Bale`ing for the Hey barn,
in that is the Intersect of My Mothers call to my Home just last week; saying.....


"We might be coming over to Tiburon to take you out to Breakfast .......
and I would love to see where you live .......alright I will give you a call very soon."

'I love you Mom'

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