Sunday, July 5, 2015

Reception Of The Spoken Word Will Soon Become Recognised

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in Me soles ore Poll lair a Blowed the sim Kneed to Vast the Potters rowl,
as to that is the presentation of that Star to a branson,
inch that hype per that burst on the Flaccid lip it is the Burns to the barrel of Streen!!

Product that Tape to Closet Hangers on the Ties in the Uniform of the Caliber knot,
as that is a Bunion on a soap box pre Var`d the basic in thread to a Niel in shagged!!

Bed at the seasalt the Table picnic,
checkered are the dollars to schick the side,
in barn to grass as Golf in the laugh it is the Field of the Pot Hold,
that dip in the Angle to express the Block,
a spade for the scale and those thrust that to Rasp!!

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ride on that is the Saddles and Bricks mortar to Concrete the beat Route of bland,
so Ancient in basque the gathering Glad is top to the Tell as the Anchor to stagged!!

Sway with the 20's a Waller to Strut in With the Wholers and Up on that Crib,
is the Method of reality in difficult pad to berry the Vine as if the Wine did not bad,
is the grape to that Technique in suds round that Cork,
is Wiskey the Vodka at the Scotch to touch Bean!!

The string of Many on the Coats of the Skins fingers in the Foot sole to smashing a Clean,
is that the apron that measure to Corn a simple wire that Talls to missed plate,
is dinker on the Donger a belt or the Horn,
is that Ocean of Graph the Firm or a Tore`N,
is that touching Picking the Cab Ur Neigh,
is that Ire on the Fountain sulfur to Floor`d,
does the Volcanic Ash of the Mountain on Scene,
the spur to a stunned or the Realization of meadow,
is the road that is walked filmed with rocks to knock brain`d,
look to that heap and the Valley will purr!!

Yet in that at Maple that Tap on is Barf,
like the Wood of the Tree is a Manzanita on Dumb,
is the Live Oak a Debtor or the Parrot on phrased,
is the Singer of Whistle the Swan or the goose`d,
is Not the wicker in Woven to chairs on the Swag,
swoon to the Front Porch to enhance the read Paint,
is the Cool of the Widow black or Made Rag,
is the Clothesline that pardons the sheets that rang Swine,
is this a lesson of the Wind in the True`N putting to T-Posts the Would in Snot,
a park as the ex Ample has brought to this rein,
an opportunity Canter to basic The Walk.

Mercury meteorite among world's rarest rocks

Nov 26, 2013

From Mercury to Morocco, and onward to Yale: a meteorite’s tale
The magnetism of the meteorite formally known as NWA 7325 exactly matches that of Mercury.

( —Talk about a precious stone—the largest piece of the only known meteorite from the planet Mercury has found its way to Yale, where it is now on display at the Peabody Museum of Natural History.
Known as NWA 7325, the fist-size, greenish space rock is a rarity among rarities: there just aren't many verified planetary meteorites. Scientists know of about 70 from Mars and, until now, none from any of the other planets in Earth's solar system. There are about 180 known meteorites from the moon. NWA 7325 is the first believed to be from Mercury.
"If it's not from Mercury, it's from a very interesting place," said Anthony J. Irving, an expert in planetary meteorites at the University of Washington, during a recent appearance at the Peabody.
The meteorite's chemical composition provides the strongest evidence that it came from Mercury, a rocky world that is the smallest planet in Earth's  and closest to the sun, Irving said. He noted the object's high magnesium and chromium content and its low iron content are similar to those of Mercury. Also, the meteorite's magnetism matches Mercury's magnetism exactly, he said.
"It's like 'CSI Solar System,'" he said.
The NWA in the name stands for Northwest Africa. The  was found in fragments in 2012 in the Moroccan desert. It is estimated to be 4.56 billion years old, about the age of Earth. The piece on display at the Peabody was sold to a private collector in Germany, Stefan Ralew, who consulted with Irving.
The exhibition, "From Mercury to Earth? A Meteorite Like No Other," runs Nov. 22 to Sept. 2, 2014.
"This is great excitement for the Peabody," said museum director Derek Briggs

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