Friday, July 10, 2015

The day of letter News on the live phone of a Cool sole to spread the growth of language to lathe,
in that work of the Had lunch on the Tee post of the Wire is an Eclectic found by the rising Sun,
so the bright Walk to waltz Mi with a Song and a hug from the Stair of the lilt to Painted Horses,
as the Hand Print to that dressage or is the Text of life speaking the Wares!!

So great to be with a Feeling that gallops the Information as the breath of Wealth to be a bit,
for the Curb on the saddle is of the girth at a Bridle to the Tongue of communication : Noteworthy,
an Eclair in that box of Sees to not fall prey to the Topper of introduction that is in Normally uncomfortable.

To be that carriage of a Known is the relaxing Park that I sound the love to a particular dear brave,
on the Write to a difference it is Each and Every sole that Counts the dial as Success,
in the fold of the Card to know the Full Deck,
this is the moment that My Grandfather would a Door more than I could land.

On Any given Sun Day the Clouds are of the Picture proof that Reins have hands,
in that is the performance to Some but on the bearings of reality it is the grasp of the Bands,
thunder for the count to lightening,
a creek in the fill on the path touching a Mountain with Snow melt in with a Spring,
on that is the Knowing of the rivers and the oceans as invitation always a surprise from the Sky!!

Yet on the Map of the Nature to be of Wealth of Sir Prized its the Wonder of the call on stride,
to be that Won number to embrace the Warm settle brings a Bravado to this simple stand,
as the Horse is of that barn in the Memory snore and that is Only known to the specific that dawn`d Me,
for the drive and the harbor I gallant a simplicity that speaks to encourage the rafter of a phenomenal success to Ton.

For the love of Man!!

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