Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Owe Shin Roars A Tree Send

The Time is 12.50 AM at the wake of the set Told of the mid sight a stream of the Works,
in that is the dust Jacket of an Old Scene to that Golden Gate Park Mugsy and a Theme,
as that is the Arrangement of a sit to Dinner on the lunch of a Breakfast spring ; the Torque, A chest.

As that Call tells the phone on the Real of its Saul the fall to Peace in breast is a Bleacher`d,
across the strange stop a Venue of alive I to Watch the polt a halt tinge of fire in the pits!!

Gentle on the meet is formed by Introduction to a singular particular,
the different is the parting of a run at the enter section of the Known unknown to Mansign,
at the least of a sloup the Tack of harnessed seems to have placed license in silent back,
that engine idol of Polting.

In Scene of the Bleachers a concrete Turmoil of I not on Walk but stricken from,
the tilt is of Straight the blocks are not a sku yet that inability to slight is palpable to this deep Framed,
guild on the trow is not the fishing Tackle it is the arm of return to sport,
back to the Table as A Restaurant on the Ocean of wave that the eyes know but Arch.

Should this be of the Switch to that stone on the Tomb of a per Happened,
than as that is the fountain and I the ink What cruise dares supplied to mop the Fore,
be feather on the Carriage of the death Halo an ignite in that is the Torch of torn,
a sole to that Feat in this pack of Square bring to no lather allowing the Timex to wrist.

Beat with the pulse of a Start and style the Harbor,
a ship New to that branch of Awe`k a Rider of a Thousand Million to be home for the Land ding.

Thistle no Thorn wreath Nor be long stipulations curl to the Comfort of a hug and its seal,
to drips of ................

                            there is no study of religious chamber that marrows with the starlight shied,
be Viking to that Norse bringing a charge to snap the society at pitch hit a Home Base run,
towards Onward forward goes the Hour,
a settled .......................... silence in the reeds to sing the Tomorrow of lived!!

Speak a stile of Wiltons Miled at the Scarecrow Vernacular muse to a Hinge and smile the lent,
born to be Wild and Freeze it is in the Constant of a sung to My Mother and the confidence of Breadth,
did the Tour of this World mark that dial to Rotary or is the spilling Number 5: 7,
dig that chapter to the verses of Romans hi at 12: 25, 23,
Proverb of the lace on 7 dot i in the pain of the at stain 9 fork 13 to quest of the 12:11.


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