Sunday, August 9, 2015

Product Key Card

Arc Brava that Thee Flounder Dued the Castle Rock,
on the Ankle verse to Hand held Ream I plunder the Seam as a Bind durr,
the sync is Sew sir Real that the basic is Back and that is a Track`d,
from base Is to Rae rein Owe How is the Hi on this Favorite Stile!!

The Port toll is the rifle on the Trigger to that Rider in the Storms,
did that big barter to the Carol of Doda bring the Bisk or the Piano sigh,
ask Knot what the Caliber is,
from tick too talk it is real it Tea that the Cup is a Saucer on this sat A light.

Heave nothing to Every thing and sing the Value of a Gallant tree as Sail,
the boa Con strict tore to exchange that spring a long to duck Duck goose`d,
a Ballet on to prove that what is good for the gander is better for the mile.

Shall the beach of Subtlety say to the Dignity of Imagine,
that Ocean is Wave in the Man to make the Obvious Core Neck`T,
for Why would the Stock Tank be of difference in the Exacts of table Mathematics on Tack`d.

Saddle the bridle and the BDSM is a Require to back that Core route a Mailer,
in brochure to the Three Speed gear is the Machine of Mache or the Grant it,
I land on this to that Arbor of brought it is the Devious strange to Know.

Hard less Ons to brush the browse with no Make up rather the Bro ka`d,
a Cinder of the Umbrella to stick in the Fix as a Show to the knick,
nippy toe nailed with a lumbering fee to brain the mind as a pleasure cruised.

Blues is the guitar to that Van of leaves,
a Theater Corner to the Bark Curd of Nights Howling the dog Eat dog Scored!!

A Leader Board`d  

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