Wednesday, September 9, 2015

An Arctic Sand Which Board

Does not the answer swear to the plunder that the vacant paste rise no bone,
did that puke of the vapor on the dry heaves of Nature take a snippet piece with light,
in round about the earth on the skirt of the Understanding of the depth What tell is An Equator to Travel,
the bell of the Times in change off the marrow sewn to yesterday on tomorrows Tell,
with history stacked to Shelves of kill the falls of tragic have grown with Magic?

Is it comprehended at the from of an Hour to Minute Time the scrap as artistic for death in miled?,
did that grave Tombs child bounce to the barn as the Ticket is punched Out on the shore,
when the ocean advances to shores of the violets but blood is in the moons eye on the waters base,
a puff the anchor to ask Question on worn to the door of Raves on the clay at solution to Veins eat!!

Shall not through the taste of language a Words carriage be of a Comets turn to state of bitten,
is the fruit of blossoming alphabets bends a Treasure to the compliment of sentence on send,
the crater of mention is at the valley of the minds capacity to struck of the spelling referendums skilled?

At the broad layers of chapter swaddled one skit for glades structure of a corns raise,
did the wheat shed to rye as the breeze spoke to Wind to see that the rain is Ice for the tend,
or does the field know of change that dirt holding chin of the ground of which is dry scathe in spend?,
with forest plight on clear cuts of life does the knew growth speak with lens again,
or is the Human Being on foot to sheeping that there is actually no soil with the letter off the shown.

Count the route of broken limber that is deep within the earths doors,
that is rein to better lane with Wisdom of the cliff that brings chins to lift,
not to span the Ages can with same old debt microphoned,
that is spline on eating wean to puppet rattle as regarded Knowledge at the counter lodges rancid brail.

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