Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ars est celare artem

Water to the palace of a garden hose is in the ability to know the Faucet at the extra valve,
attach the spout to accommodate the adjustment for the purse of struck as wink the length,
extension of the long garden as prose with the subject sync will be of frame to wild with Trimming,
as the flower beds that product bulbs for reason of the hotter spake seeds are in the Hours raise,
drought can often be a find to know that it is time to sound a particular type to year of Date a fig.

*Stow Lake, the largest of the man made lakes in Golden Gate Park, surrounds the prominent Strawberry Hill, now an island with an electrically pumped waterfall.
Completed in 1893, Stow Lake is considered a landscaping masterpiece.

The branch of the Maple is friendly birch to Silver lakes that Park to setting Lunch,
a good time to enjoy the words that fountain with a sill as the Window or the perch!!

A Koi Pond is great with small bridges for surrounding land a miniature sigh to sake,
the avenue of City choice will often tender whats complete to benefit the toil of a simple steady rows,
at planting Season spring be known but Fall is also Autumns said to engage the falling leaves,
the beauty of the changing scores of mountains on the chase of Miles a sing to Novembers jazz & blues.

Miniature San Francisco If you missed the model train exhibit, Golden Gate Express Garden Railway, at the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park

The turn Table of chose to see that all the year is set to State the forest and the Glenn be breeze,
in preparation plan the daily found of tool the hand as dirt does need to air rate,
a kind of soil to frost of snail will speak with Trails as that is why Manure cures in straw,
the bedding quilts to warm the roots all while rain is coming to a drop of what is Hi.

***Refugee camp in Golden Gate Park near Haight Ashbury, 1906

Shall the ground be level with not
Tiers to consider steer then pots can be understood by a Green House`d,
the glass reflects the Winter hours to show the out of season done that further on the bloom,
expression of the speak of lilacs with a daisy fact is caring hand with attraction for the sooth,
like frozen Tundra ice in cube will block the igloo with what seems oddly out of pharaoh.

The desert is with dry sands yet in parts of the world the Cactus does not show,
a Flash Flood shocks only those that do not no the Rivers bed as Tents are often amplified,
the fork in that rushing rise is dangerous as realized for witness any river on the grands of canyons done.

The Floating Faucet, Believe it or Not!!  Pier 39

Wild lumber lashed to smashed all together that`s a fact the scare of swim is best to know that it suffers pools,
the broader Wave will cycle this and that is evident to risk in watch the wrist on tell a graph of planting,
compare the map to gardens lack missing more is shores of lawn and that is just a mowing sod,
from send to know the succulent is a tasty treat for deer and that just leads to jumping of the fences.

Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden at the western end of Golden Gate Park.

So as the loft is being storm that is the hinge of year in been the thing about repeaters lived Ancient life a now,
where lift became the digging out snowing fell and froze the stick snapping at the base,
yet should the trim be of the sharp upon the learn of Opera start the Trees did grow back wealth,
a stronger crop with beautiful rungs that put the fountains on to speak with grace and wonder,
dig nip ease the cover of the lid to see that bedding is the straw of fabric not of clover that is a key.

Rainbow Falls  is located on John Kennedy Drive near the Rose Garden and across from Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California. It named for the colored lights that originally framed the falls at their dedication in 1930, this is the second of two artificial waterfall systems created in Golden Gate Park (the other being Huntington Falls in Stow Lake). Water is pumped from nearby Lloyd Lake, and circulated by the cobblestone stream adjacent to JFK Drive.

Natures invitation to the changing planted places importance on the punting of singing a Canal,
should the creek be ready flow or is the water hose controlled like at the Golden Gate Park a waterfall to stream,
the toe would witness fact to face and that switch to Off the On while seated with the passing by,
riding Freckles or driving car the Man made cyclone fence was strange to Wow yet it is like Pier 39 at how,
the Museum with that funny spout that has the Tube inside Out the line for making method in say operate.

Stow Lake is considered a landscaping masterpiece.




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