Wednesday, September 16, 2015


In a spoken stream of a ultra stance of a dream that I was so intrigued by the scene,
I heard on the talk that in state of dream understanding the pieces fit to all say you,
for the purchase of thought to that chair of a tend that is an opportunity to more understanding,
to that is the great on the key board of strike finding the map found brain in a hot.

Should our dreams in the night hour of days sync be of untangle this is a better grace to explain,
as touch free to curious singing letter of plate to grasp the work as words alphabet to rate,
to combine the pictures of my Reel film Mind I special that dream to a Futuristic of signed,
how fantastic it is to write music in prose expressions by classic to modem of rose!!

A learning computation provide to worth of the existence at tide waving the shore of earth,
the compass of Navigation was a stride to the lung breathing with keys to barely be tea,
the capacity of note formal be said was the wow of a gallop with a ready tack bread,
no circus at string or bite that did circle the lines gave such brights Infinity made lead.

A breath of the shock to that bearing of grain brought incredible basis to the oracles vein,
to be so graced with the chorus of came all I can muster is the rein of the tack,
it was a tone of Tuning the breadth in a phonetic staff that held the cosmos in a cosmic loan,
that scene held my type in width of marrow with such depth to soak that phonics be sloan.

A computer of the mind on a technology of trace was given at the taste of a coral stone,
the brisk of my standing went to the dream I had with words that view within the core,
the One to the Zero flowing to Eight as the Line went to Circle then the Infinities sign to explain,
 the dream itself was similar exact the cadence held but it was a breathing machine by frame,
in that was the tell of the structure inlaid so simply it delivered the beauty in a case of inexhaustible placed.

At the thought of the ear that all this my tender of days unfinished speak is weird,
for to have such been be my brain working gears the travel of journal is mustard to seers',
the growth of my being is knowing of Ancients the order is system of deed analytic,
voice of the silents to musical vase the painting of audience in a anatomical pace.

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