Monday, September 14, 2015

Lossless Or Lossy Compression

All law all Law All law Awe Law Ah Law All Law,
which is the shore of Freedom soared with Not all Law Streaming straw,
the dual of fence to Whom is days in the Twine of baled Webs of ground to elbow Trial,
in the speak or once the Tongues of what is being Translated from the law of the Jumble.

Shell the parody to pearling with String of people footing Religions skeet of art position sharps,
foggy praise of whether Vains that cock A doodle stacked in chilled or at the Print shops per due,
for on the dark ages rounds the venue held to walk burned and removal of the ability Digest for guts,
these jack a lope Words on the tale of Oyster clam to the Moral of the precursor As today for Jam!!

Starch the sky to Nautical on the Trojan Horse brewing Troy a cloud on the Exclamation of describe,
see that the corning Weather is Of Clear to this Store Front on the Riddle,
wall the Violin is Cello of the Bass in flute rise the Saxophone Halts the Tambourine on Xylophones strike,
boom harangue at scratch of a cyclones mile to storm,
as should the glacier melt in the blink eye Sphinx.

Stretching Time in Ages lime stone a read on the ship is the Cattle that do knot sheep,
a fleece to Wool.

The sheer is Clippers that spoke on the Wheel in baking Scope to bleaches rinse You're INN.

Now compass Light on the beaches reference is Armed Electrical the dial Twitched sprout,
the Stiff on the Airs Stream is blowing that frost and Reason gathered to State Fogs Snide,
upon the Mountains rock ease the Lull a buy its Plates,
the license speaking fable on the Mythological crate.

Nailing the Scene to bits that piece a Puzzled posed,
the Standards feat of rein the crossrails on equipped!!

There in lie the Tornado ranks to Carton of the Milking,
will it sharp a foot to ground in the Twisting strong Or drive with the Tune reins of ladder day pause,
A cactus on the Sands of stream The Mighty river shored to Blank,
for on the winds of chase that stand Humanity puts blinders on.

The bridle of the cheek in stayed to I know of the knows replete,
a flash the drop to straight Eight talk that line Infinity of circles clock at Run a way to Shock,
for on the martingale ride The Horse of Scene the butters worth is state of bring,
does a prime to deep define understand the Counting time with grid work once a state??

Arena stadium of the ride is minute Timed with each a landing on the turns to want,
cross-Country on a Three-day is holding Condition with stall for shavings or bed with Straw,
to be of planning Track in play Six weeks is the motion of Pulse to gallop Hills and shown,
should the flat ground be of the Conditioning realm the stern is length on miles to produce.

Too tack the carry of the loads of Racetrack verses English riding Events,
the blow on the lung of exhale to breathe is of a tremendous difference at Exact claiming sound,
that heave of the barrel on the sides of the Horse showing the part breadth of moving stride!!

The world is a filling of the sliced lands at large,
the event on the ever farmer,
earth does move her plates to state it takes billions of dynamic years to ground license, 
by which is the grace of stand the comprehension or the bodies sayer.

As the waves push Pull to tide the rows,
eye said to charts on millions leaf,
a Vineyard touch the choir shading,
the park of groves to trees in stead!!

The Forrest of great correlation shown to stride the Seed did stretch to bread,
that channel strong to planted,
the Eucalyptus strained for California,
on the big thunder wall for dust & lumber!!

So fast the growing of the twisted,
no good did seed be burned or build,
that is the Turquoise of the Twaddle,
oh wait it is the ever green.

With wheat Quest rye to drinks and Garlic,
the salts that silk of great enhanced trades,
ships and freight the reining skate,
to what end is the poplar birch.

That slip of harbor strokes the fertile skirt through the Tree of what is trunk,
in depth the route of rooted rocking to the ways of what is talking,
a swim of fly to planes of bright is the work A chain saw at the language of the lawn
welcome speak as touched parlay to one ka trillion mirrors a spay.

Stagger with the breeze as the North in south of East,
West is a Coastal Bing singing Grapes the Apple bar penned,
in deep last night to colors seen,
I thought to Odd a See in Sleeping,
that strange of what does Lane bowl Moon.

In Vlasic Pick Coal,
is the fires spelling what is a broad in 'struction',
at the move to no common tongue what be leaf will Wine,
a cup of Glass for skull in Pass the cherry or the root.

Questions often math to millions The Inn of spell the Or ole,
a pyramid to put design on base of stilt how did The Sphinx know Facial still,
how Hell is sewn to Hems in skill with Watches timex,
a sweeping sail the tidals shale is from the kick on by lets.

Bum the trumpets Violin,
playing sheets of concrete cream,
a card boar sign to sounding pounds,
the thickest smooth in war on shrouds.

The ever quiet straddle speak that invite to the thrush on sneak a balance beam Straight,
a foot step herd that brakes the ground by venture of frustrating leek,
freezing cold the winters knoll hunger games the reach,
in much there is the hiding Pine.

Of Crowds that rivers speech to Creek of bones alive,
indeed the vowel of towel in Times the Ages in the mass struck stick,
a Pyre writs Spit.

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