Thursday, October 1, 2015

Adversus Solem Ne Loquitor

25.08.2015  4.55 A.M.

Truss of ceiling a count tea mile the place-set be form of computers mind based on brow connect,
should the windows eyes in blink trim a valence as the breadth wills thin stint to glass (says) is,
trunk troops treed to route,
body foot and born side stone!!

Snapper Traipse thus rivers blood creek bones asking limbs tick,
mudslides pulse the rein!!

A disk at sun is reflections blind,
the tomb is scattered elbows rent,
above the ground vultures trump,
dirt the shirt spectacles round.

Resistance is electrical grounds the turf of copper lens,
metals break the drill to earth forcing minds touch lace,
sewn to vains of gold in caved the coffee on the thought of spoon,
stood straight up its rich to understood
{~the ring!!~}
the bounty of the claim!!

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