Sunday, October 18, 2015

At Um & Eve.*Neen ~ The Corker Oft Tin The Big Plug ~ Complete Teeing A Ban Done Mint Once Miss Shin Impossible Now Quote Uh

Ka sand draw tiers on the open road is of the heavy lakes,
sprouts of saw,
that scene of what tires are frosted shoulders a sorting of filed Information,
then it is the Practice of shall the bean.

Speak a platter as the dishes wash the bakes,
enter that soup,
bull horns ask what is a screen,
in answer the swell,
empty bells and gone.

Did that pack age of thermal Under bales squab,
a pigeon on the message of ban dead,
inks that dry to brains on And on the buzz Urd fly'N in sight of ick.

 The trades off to visual identification Whist.

Games Arm dockets That Pour from the Den Off fair Oh's Steep,
deep in the tunnel after be floors are swept by stringing,
keel High that tongue Attached to applications summoning,
first the fall than the wobble than Inside the screaming Bot tolds,
no spline turned,
sheets book King on that lather of grained to barn animals at blet.

Minds shackled to the drill Instant photo snapped,
shivers are the Teak fought tiers,
How deep is the Well,
eyes on sprinkle Sprinkle lit Toll jar,
Ware on Earth is the fold,
in the dead on living lulled.

Neen describes an art movement that uses or abuses technology, in particular computers to create unexpected and delightful artistic results. It is the first art movement of the 21st century. In 2000, an artist commissioned from the California based branding company Lexicon to invent a name appropriate to this new movement. He chose two of the hundred names they provided - Telic and Neen. 

Written on 10/15/2015 at 3.41 PM

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